Week ending March 6, 2015



Public Works 7th Annual Engineering Stakeholders meeting

The Public Work’s Department held its 7th annual Engineering Stakeholders meetings on February 25, 2015.  See attached for more information.


Upcoming events and services hosted by the Solid Waste Division

With spring around the corner, the Solid Waste Division is ready to host some of the most anticipated City events: compost/woodchip sale, electronic recycling event, and earth day celebration.  In addition, the division is geared up to resume residential yard waste collection and offer a drop off option for yard waste on Saturdays.  Below is a summary of these events and services.  See attached for more information.


Large Valve Replacement, 10th/Kentucky – UT1405
The Department of Utilities and general contractor Nowak Construction have completed the installation of a new 20” butterfly valve on the existing 1954 20” concrete transmission main on the East side of Kentucky Street and North of 10th Street, as shown on the attached  map. The project included the utilization of line stops to keep the transmission main in service while construction was being completed as well as the installation of a manhole just to the East of the valve to house the valve operator for ease of maintenance. Attached is a photo of the new manhole containing the valve operator and the exposed existing concrete main, blanketed for weather protection.
Nowak Construction was given notice to proceed on June 23, 2014 with an early start date of September 15, 2014 and a final completion date of October 30, 2014. Due to delays in ordering required parts and long lead times, the new valve was in service and the project was substantially complete on January 12, 2015. Due to contractor delays, liquidated damages in the amount of $22,500 were assessed. Final completion is anticipated for spring 2015 when the remaining seasonal contract items, final grading and seeding, can be completed.
The project was awarded to Nowak Construction in the amount of $172,260.00 and a change order, to reduce the overall cost due to liquidated damages was executed for the amount of ($22,500.00) for a total project construction cost of $149,760.00. Design and construction phase engineering services were completed by City Utilities Engineering staff.


Avalon Road Waterline Replacement Traffic Control and 9th Street Closure

The replacement of ageing waterlines on Avalon Road from 9th Street to Cambridge and on Hilltop from 9th Street to Oxford will require construction crews to complete work on 9th Street at the intersections of Avalon and Hilltop for a short period of time.


During the construction of the waterlines on Avalon and Hilltop, roads will be closed to thru traffic but access to local traffic will be maintained at all times.  See the attached Avalon and Hilltop general traffic restriction plan.


During the period of May 26 to June 7, and for a time not to exceed nine consecutive days, 9th street will be closed from just West of Hilltop Drive to just East of Avalon Road in order to complete the connection of the new waterlines on both Hilltop and Avalon to the existing 16” concrete main located in the middle of 9th Street.  A detailed detour plan is attached.  Access for local traffic North and South to 9th Street will be maintained during the 9th Street closure.


The following additional steps will be made to notify the public of the traffic impacts:


Prior to the Request to Award the Project at the March 31, 2015 Commission Meeting:

-       A news release will be sent out, two weeks and then again one week prior to the March 31, 2015 Commission Meeting, containing notification of the upcoming Commission Meeting and a description of the traffic impacts of the project.  The news release will also contain a link to the City’s web site where a copy of the proposed traffic detour plan for the 9th Street closure can be obtained.

-       A letter will be sent out, at two weeks prior to the March 31, 2015 Commission Meeting, to the residents in the neighborhood adjacent to the Avalon and Hilltop projects, see the attached map, and to the surrounding Neighborhood Associations.  The letter will contain a copy of the detour plan for the 9th Street closure, project details, and a contact for additional information.


After the award and prior to the start of construction:

-       Prior to the start of construction for the Avalon Waterline Replacement project a neighborhood meeting will be held where project details, including traffic impacts, will be discussed with the surrounding neighborhood.

-       A pre-construction meeting will be held with the contractor to discuss construction schedule, city expectations, traffic control, and any concerns that may have been raised by the public.


After the start of construction and prior to the closure of 9th Street:

-       A variable message board, stating the start date of the closure, will be placed on 9th Street in both the East and West bound directions at least 5 days prior to the closure of 9th Street.

-       A news release will be sent out at least 5 days prior to the closure of 9th Street.

-       A note regarding the road closure on 9th street will be included on the weekly “City infrastructure improvement project list” that is published on the City’s website.


Department of Utilities to Publish Annual Update to Standards and Details

The Department of Utilities has recently completed its annual review of its construction material specifications, design criteria, and standard details for watermains and sanitary sewers. Notable changes include the following:


-       Specify separation requirements between sanitary sewer/waterlines and other utilities.

-       Specified requirements for rock in trench backfill when water or sewer lines are present.

-       Modify the allowable application of the use of fusible PVC. Application to be approved by the engineer prior to use.

-       Added a requirement for tracer wire on water service lines.

-       Specified minimum cover of 60 inches for waterlines installed under pavement.


Several other minor modifications have been made to various sections in order to correct identified omissions and errors noted in the previous publication, update materials identified to reflect current manufacturers as well as adjust section numbering to reflect the changes. The corrections made do not alter the existing material requirements nor do they pose an impact to material or development costs.


A more detailed list of modifications is attached and updated documents will be posted to the Department of Utilities website, and will be available for general public access. Consulting engineers and contractors will be notified of the update via direct mailing announcement.


Boys and Girls Club Utilize Sports Pavilion Lawrence

Due to the Boys & Girls Club not having access to school facilities during parent/teacher conferences when kids were out of school, Lawrence Parks and Recreation hosted the group at Lawrence Sports Pavilion last week. The kids participated in activities in the gym areas, the turf area and did arts and crafts on the mezzanine area. There were approximately 200 children who attend their activities.  See attached photos.


2014 Residential Lot Inventory

This report is an update on the status of available lots for new residential construction as of December 31, 2014. Information is provided on supply, market demand, and inventory of residential lots.  Analysis shows that housing demand declined in 2014 from the previous year for single family and apartment units, but rose for duplex units.