
City of Lawrence

Public Works Department



Charles F. Soules P.E., Public Works Director


Mark Thiel, Assistant Public Works Director


David Cronin, Steve Lashley, Scott McCullough


September 10, 2015


Eldridge Hotel Expansion Project Right of Way permit - (705 Massachusetts Street)


The Eldridge Hotel, LLC has requested a temporary use of right of way permit for the construction of the Eldridge Hotel expansion project from October 2015 to December 2016.


Request Details

City staff, Paul Warner Architects, Eldridge Hotel staff and Thomas Fritzel have meet several times to discuss the construction activities related to this project and how they will impact the public right of way. They have submitted a package that outlines what they believe to be the relevant issues.


Impact to traffic

Traffic will be maintained with an MUTCD compliant traffic control plan (see plan). Two-way traffic on Massachusetts Street will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. The applicant has agreed to move the project fence back during special city events, such as the old fashion Christmas parade or at other necessary times at the direction of the City. The alley in the 700 block of Massachusetts Street between 8th and 7th Street will be closed to through traffic directly behind 701 to 705 Massachusetts Street but will be accessible for emergency access if necessary. Additionally, alley access for business will also be coordinated by the Eldridge Hotel project contractor. There will also be no left turns for north bound Massachusetts Street traffic onto 7th Street.


Impact to pedestrians

Pedestrian access / detours will be maintained by an MUTCD compliant pedestrian detour plan (see plan).


Impact to parking

Parking on the west side of Massachusetts Street from 701 to 705 will be restricted during the project for site access, crane access and staging. The city parking lot #12 on the SE corner of 7th and Vermont Streets will be closed to the public for the duration of the project. The contractor has requested that this lot be allowed to be used as a staging and material storage location. One space on the south side of the west 100 block of 7th Street will also be restricted. (See attached site layout plan).


The alternative location for public parking will be on street parking, other city lots in the area or the Vermont Street Parking garage. In exchange for the use of this city lot the Eldridge Hotel has offered to pay the city its annual permit parking fee for all 28 spaces (which includes one handicap stall) for the duration of use at a rate of $192.00 per year or $6,720.00. There is no regulation that requires the relocation of this handicap stall because the entire lot will be closed. Staff will monitor the handicap parking in the area and add an additional handicap space in the close proximity if needed. Staff believes that there are an adequate number of handicap stalls in the adjacent vicinity to accommodate any need. This exchange of parking for parking permit fees is similar to how the city parking lot space need was handled for the Treanor Architect building project in the 1000 block of Vermont Street.


Restoration of Pavement

At the conclusion of this project the contractor and permit holder will restore the parking lot #12 to the same or better condition as it was given to them. Additionally, as part of their project they will rebuild a portion of the alley from 7th Street south. The remaining portion of the alley will be restored to the condition or better that existed prior to the project starting. City staff has surveyed both the alley and the lot #12 and documented its current condition with a pavement evaluation and video.


Adjacent Property Coordination and Notice

The Eldridge Hotel has contacted all adjacent property owners and occupants on Massachusetts Street and Vermont Street from 6th Street to 8th Street (see Eldridge notice packet). Additionally, the city has sent notice of the Commission action on this item to the owners and occupants from 6th Street to 9th Street on Massachusetts and Vermont Streets (see city notice) and to the Lawrence Association of Neighborhoods.


It is also our understanding that direct adjacent properties have been coordinated with for deliveries and access.


In addition, Police, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Fire / Medical, Lawrence Transit, Downtown Lawrence, Inc., and the Chamber all have reviewed this permit with no issues.


Project Schedule

The applicant has requested the permit for the time frame of October 2015 through December 2016. With a work schedule that could include work seven days per week from sunrise to sunset.


Action Requested

If appropriate, pending commission discussion and consideration authorize staff to approve a temporary use of right of way permit for the Eldridge Hotel Expansion Project from October 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016 that will allow the closure of city parking lot #12, one on street parking stall on the south side of the 100 block of west 7th Street and the on street parking on the west side of Massachusetts Street in front of 701 and 705.