
City of Lawrence

City Manager’s Office



David L. Corliss, City Manager


Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager


March 17, 2015



Casey Toomay, Assistant City Manager

Chuck Soules, Director of Public Works


Pedestrian/Bicycle Task Force



At its meeting on February 24, 2015, the City Commission discussed the issue of creating a pedestrian/bicycle issues task force.  The memo from that meeting discusses the requests to establish such a task force and outlines various related information.  Also, other correspondence and items related to this issue were posted along with the February 24, 2015 agenda materials (item 4 on Regular Agenda).  The proposed resolution was deferred on February 24 for additional discussion. 



The Sustainability Action Network suggested some changes to the resolution.  A number of the issues are policy issues for the City Commission, such as the size and how to characterize those to be appointed.  The City Manager provided some responses to the comments submitted and those comments appear on the attached SAN version of the resolution.  Staff believes that the resolution should enable the task force to look broadly on various issues.  


Staff has drafted a new version of Resolution No. 7106 which would have the task force provide its report by December 31, 2015.  Additionally, this version of the resolution includes the topic of examining pedestrian and bicycle safety for school-age children, which was one of the comments provided during the last discussion. 



Adopt Resolution No. 7106, creating Bicycle-Pedestrian Task Force, if appropriate.