Week ending August 2, 2013


July Sales Tax Distribution

The City of Lawrence recently received its July sales tax distribution. The distribution is the result of retail sales from mid-May to mid-June. The distribution of $2,899,787.60 is $150,000 more than the prior year distribution for the same month. Please see the attached memo for more information. 


Parks and Recreation Department Hosts Science Camps, Special Populations Camps

This summer, the Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department offered eight unique science camps for youth ages 7-13 years-old. Participants experienced the world of science through rockets, robots and space. Parks and Recreation also offered My First Science Lab for camper’s ages 4 years-old to 6 years-old, where participants were introduced to the basics of environmental science. Please see the attached report for more information and photos.


The Parks and Recreation Department also recently provided camps as part of its Special Populations program. The department teamed up with University of Kansas Athletics to take campers bowling at the KU Student Union with freshman student athletes. Campers also recently took part in Rick McNabb’s 4 Square Athletics “Mini Hoop Camp” where they worked with skilled athletes to learn basic skills and teamwork. Please see the attached report for more information and photos.


Centennial Skate Park Half Pipe Upgrades

The Lawrence Parks and Recreation Department is currently conducting repairs at Centennial Skate Park. The skating surface and some of the framework of the half-pipe are being renovated. Please see attached report for more information and photos.  


Move Out Tips

July and August are peak months for moving out of apartments and homes in Lawrence. The City’s Solid Waste Division increased outreach efforts to communicate moving out tips. Topics covered included waste reduction tips, recycling opportunities, proper disposal of household hazardous waste and online scheduling of bulk item pickups or other special item pickup service. In addition, staff informed residents to leave the City trash cart at the residence the cart was delivered to. Please see the attached report for examples of the communication tools used.


Long Range Planning Work Plan Progress Update

The attached memo provides a status update on the 2013 long-range planning work program that was affirmed by the Planning, City, and County Commissions in late 2012. It notes, among other things, that staff is preparing a process plan memo to publicly review H2020 for the city and county commissions’ review.


Development Services Examiner Earns Top Certification

Adrian Jones, senior plans examiner in the Planning and Development Services Department, recently completed his certification as a Master Code Professional (MCP) through the International Code Council (ICC). This designation is the highest level of ICC Certification and has become the gold standard for demonstrating proficiency in the building and fire safety profession. There are less than 20 MCP Professionals in Kansas and just over 700 world-wide. As the senior plans examiner for the City of Lawrence, the MCP certification is beneficial to the city in many ways.  Jones provides technical information and is a resource for developers, architects, contractors, businesses, property owners and engineers on a daily basis.  His extensive level of knowledge in codes and permitting is valuable for development and ensures that the city can provide expert technical knowledge throughout the permitting process.