
City of Lawrence

Department of Utilities



David L. Corliss, City Manager

Cynthia Wagner, Assistant City Manager

Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager


John Shutak, Utilities Engineer


Dave Wagner, Director of Utilities

Philip Ciesielski, Assistant Director of Utilities

Mike Lawless, Assistant Director of Utilities

Sandra Day, Planner


April 11, 2012


1219 East 23rd Street (SP-03-20-12) Variance request from City Code 19-214 (B)


Please include the following item on the City Commission agenda for consideration at the April 17, 2012 meeting:

Approval of the request by Joy Rhea, Paul Werner Architects on behalf of the owner, JPM Properties, LLC, for a variance from 19-214 (B) of the City Code which states that a private sanitary sewer service line shall not be located in a City public utility easement or City public right-of-way for a length of greater than fifteen (15) feet.

Paul Werner Architects has submitted a site plan, SP-03-20-12, for the property located at 1219 and 1225 East 23rd Street. The proposed improvements to the site include the demolition of existing office space and construction of a new office, showroom, and service drop-off area as shown on the attached site plan.

1219 East 23rd Street is currently occupied by a single building that has an existing connection to the public sanitary sewer through the adjoining property to the east as shown on the attached map. The sanitary sewer service line lies within existing public utility easement.

The sanitary sewer service line has been in service since 2004 and no changes are proposed that would necessitate the extension of the public main to serve this property. The attached variance request has been made to bring the property into compliance with currently adopted City Code requirements.

Action Request:

Approval of the requested variance from 19-214(B) of the City Code for 1219 East 23rd Street.