City of Lawrence

Lawrence – Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee

October 19, 2015 Minutes




Lisa Hallberg, Erin Paden, Bill Anderson, Jim MacMurray, David Hamby, Rod Hernandez, Jacki Becker, Justin Eddings, Dan Ashley



Stephen Mason, Jessica Mortinger, Carol Fittell, Keith Browning


Pat Weaver, John Thornburg, Steve Hitchcock


1.   Call Meeting to Order and Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 5:02p.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.


2.           Action Item: Approval of the September 21st Minutes

A motion to approve the August minutes was moved by David Hamby, seconded by Bill Anderson and passed unanimously.


3.           Discussion Item: Pedestrian - Bicycle Issues Taskforce (PBITF)

Pat Weaver, Taskforce member, asked the BAC members to comment on the existing structure, strengths and weaknesses of existing advisory structures and other items of concern to the BAC about the PBITF’s work related to possible advisory committee recommendations. BAC members discussed the following:

·   Traffic Safety Commission currently addresses issues as requests that are driven by public request/inquiry. It would be a challenge to deal with all requests- there is a value of separation with a tie in points. Would it make sense to combine into one entity and/or have representation from bicyclists on the TSC?

·   Advisory Committees/Commissions are set up based on who they are advising. Which department and/or who staffs? Which government- Lawrence, Douglas County, Eudora, and/or Baldwin City? And what advice do they need? Issues require different staff and departments. BAC currently works with Lawrence - Douglas County MPO, City of Lawrence Public Works, Douglas County Public Works, City of Lawrence Parks & Rec and City of Eudora.

·   Staff liaisons – difficult to have enough time to respond and capability to do the work. This is only one of many responsibilities. Adequate staffing is key.

·   Possible conflicting goals between/among BAC, other advisory groups and commission. No current common discussion of goals.

·   County representation and smaller city representation is very important for BAC.  Not typically addressed in other advisory committees. BAC has Lawrence, Douglas County, Eudora, Baldwin City, and Lecompton representation by position in its bylaws.

·   BAC has had direct connection to Commission. Fearful that adding another layer between them and Commission might change or dilute the recommendations they are giving.

·   BAC encourages the PBITF to look at models from peer communities who are doing a good job of working with their neighbors (in the county and other cities).

Possibly a coordinating council or a committee with subcommittees would allow for better issue coordination and representation of bicycling issues when making other related decisions. Lisa Hallberg, BAC Chair, agreed to participate in activities to meet with other committee chairs to discuss issues and models as requested by the PBITF. Pat Weaver indicated that the PBITF was working to host a meeting to discuss the challenges of balancing voices and to hear from other interested/related stakeholder committees.


4.           Action Item: LiveWell Community Wellness Grant Downtown Lawrence Bike Parking Proposal

Jessica Mortinger presented the proposal and asked BAC members if they had any questions or comments. There was no comment or discussion. A motion was made by Lisa Hallberg, seconded by Jacki Becker and passed unanimously.


5.           Action Item: LiveWell Community Wellness Grant Bike Repair Stand Grant Proposal

Jessica Mortinger presented the proposal and asked BAC members if they had any questions or comments. There was no comment or discussion. A motion was made by Lisa Hallberg, seconded by Justin Eddings and passed unanimously.


6.           Discussion Item: Douglas County Public Works

Keith Browning, Douglas County Public Works Director, presented the County Capital Improvement Plans and discussed county roadway maintenance that might impact bicyclists. Map attached: Finished or ongoing projects included:

·   510 N of Baldwin which is now open.

·   510 S of Lawrence which is closed for bridge rehabilitation and extended concrete shoulders to bridge, planned to be open in December.

·   Route 458 from Route 1 to N 1160 closed for the 2017 construction season. Project will have no posted detours.

·   Lone Star Lake roads are planned for pavement rehabilitation.

·   Route 1057 is currently allowed by KDOT to repair slope failures.

·   Route 458 from E 1800-2000 has a planned 2017 High Risk Rural Roads funded project to improve roadside safety, replace narrow culverts, improve slopes and locally funded pavement rehab.

·   Route 1055 from Haskell south to 458 has planned shoulder improvements in 2018.

David Hamby asked if the Lone Star pavement rehab was planned as chip/seal or overlay. Keith Browning indicated at this time they planned to reclaim the base, add a stabilizer and chip/seal. Hamby indicated this is the less preferable rehab method for bicyclists because it creates unstable surfaces. Justin Eddings noted that on low volume roads takes a long time to wear in. Bill Anderson indicated that the last part to wear in and where the shoulder builds up with aggregate are where the bicyclist rides. Keith Browning indicated that many of the roads in the county that use the chip/seal rehab are township roads. He would be happy to share the BAC comments with the board and/or share the board meeting times/dates with the BAC members. David Hamby indicated that the lightweight tan chip is a preferred material for chip/seal that is easier to ride on. Keith Browning indicated that the County has swept excess material before organized bicycle events to help improve the surface for bicyclists. Justin Eddings asked what improvements in 2017 were being made to 458 from E1800 to E2000 to improve safety for bicyclists. Keith Browning indicated that the curves would be minimized and 6 ft shoulders were planned.


Keith Browning let the BAC know that the County has .4 mils that are collected from property taxes which equates to about 1.5 million a year. In early December, the proposed projects for 2016 will go to the County Commission for final approval. Justin Eddings asked how the County plans to implement the Countywide Bikeway Plan. Keith Browning indicated that as projects are planned, improvements for safety are incorporated as the plan calls for and the budget allows. Justin Eddings indicated that Route 1061 at 260 should be an emphasis to provide shoulders at the intersection and/or flatten slopes.   Jessica Mortinger asked Keith if he would plan to attend annually in future years as part of the BAC work plan to solicit feedback about projects that impact safety for bicyclists throughout the county. Keith Browning indicated he would, and to also coordinate with the BAC on future annual county maintenance plans


7.           Other Business/Updates

·   Since the last meeting, BAC members received and email from Jerry Harper (attached) about Bob Billings bicycle and pedestrian improvements. Members asked public works to share the details of the improvements at the November meeting.

·   Erin Paden shared an email she received from Mark Cowen (attached).

·   Steve Hitchock noted that there are Rail Trail Meetings scheduled for the Ottawa Kanza Rail Trail on November 14th in Ottawa and the Prairie Spirit Rail Trail on November 17th in Iola.

·   Take a Kid Mountain Biking –Stephen Mason noted that the October 3rd celebration was a success and at least one rider was able to ride because there was maintenance support. 


8.   Public Comments

John Thornberg asked who was responsible for the maintenance of Route 442, old K10 where just east of the bridge there is wash out on the shoulder along the slope. Justin Eddings indicated that the City of Eudora maintains that roadway and that they have already cleaned it up previous times and it has again washed out.


9.   Adjournment of Meeting and Announcement of Next Meeting

The meeting ended at 6:27 PM. The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for November 16th, 2015 at 5PM at the Lawrence Parks & Recreation Conference Room.