City of Lawrence

Outside Agency Funding



General Information:  Each year, the City Commission considers requests for the allocation of dollars to a number of agencies that provide services benefiting the Lawrence community.  The decision on funding a request will be made during the City’s annual budgeting process.  The decision will be based upon the availability of funds, the need demonstrated through the agency’s application, the stated objectives of the applicant’s program, past performance by the agency in adhering to funding guidelines (as appropriate), and the ability to measure progress toward the program objectives. 


Instructions:  Applications for 2008 funding must be complete and submitted electronically to the City Manager’s Office at by the deadline of 5:00 pm on Wednesday, May 2, 2007.


Questions?  Contact Casey Liebst, Budget Manager at or at 785-832-3409.


Section I.  Applicant Information


Legal Name of Agency:  

Warm Hearts of Douglas County

Name of Program for Which Funding is Requested:

Warm Hearts of Douglas County

Primary Contact Person:

Ernesto Hodison


P.O. Box 1555, Lawrence, KS 66044


785-842-4457 –Home


785-865-1030 - Work

Email: or





Section 2.  Request Information



Amount of funds requested from the City for this program for calendar year 2008:    



Will these funds be used for capital outlay (equipment or facilities) in 2008?  If so, please describe:  No


Will these funds be used to leverage other funds in 2008?  If so, how:   No


Did you receive City funding for this program in 2007?  If so, list the amount and source for funding (i.e. General Fund, Alcohol Fund, etc.):   Yes. $6,000.00


If you are requesting an increase in funding over 2007, please explain exactly how the additional funds will be used:    NA






Section 3.  Agency and Program Budget information



How many paid full time employees work for your agency?







What percent of your total 2007 budget goes to employee salaries and benefits?





What percent of your total 2007 budget is used for operating expenses?





What is the total estimated cost to provide the program in 2008?





What percent of 2008 program costs are being requested from the City?





List other anticipated sources of funding and funding amount for this program in 2008:


Anticipated Funding Source

Dollar Amount


Personal and corporate donations during annual fundraising campaign

























Section 4.  Statement of Problem/Need to Be Addressed By Program


A.           Provide a brief statement of the problem or need your agency proposes to address with the requested funding and/or the impact of not funding this program.  The statement should include characteristics of the client population that will be served by this program.  If possible, include statistical data to document this need. 


         Warm Hearts of Douglas County assists households needing financial assistance to pay their utility bills during cold weather months. Warm Hearts utilizes intake agencies such as: Penn House, Salvation Army, Pelathe Resource Center, Douglas County Senior Services and Ballard Community Center. These intake agencies interview applicants based upon established guidelines, which include income guidelines, to determine if the applicant qualify for assistance. Warm Hearts has been instrumental in helping families, individuals and the elderly manage through cold weather and manage their ability to maintain their energy needs. Warm Hearts is managed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors. There is no paid staff for Warm Hearts. City funding has been instrumental in helping to cover overhead costs such as: envelopes, printing, advertising and postage for the campaign. This has allowed for every dollar raised to be used for our community for energy assistance. 




          Some statistics from our recent campaign are:


          Total Applications – 357


          Total people served – 927


          Single Parent families – 114


          Total # of children in households – 414


          # of  Seniors - 35







B.           How was the need for this program determined?

Through communication with community agencies that see this need.










C.           Why should this problem/need be addressed by the City?   Warm hearts has been fortunate and grateful to be funded by the City of Lawrence. With this City funding each year we are able to set a goal to use all donated dollars toward helping in energy assistance.











Section 4.  Description of Program Services


A.           Provide a brief description of the service you will provide and explain how it will respond to the need you identified in Section 3.  The description should include how many clients will be served, and should describe as specifically as possible the interaction that will take place between the provider and the user of the service. 


         The service we provide is energy assistance during the cold weather months. Our listed intake    

         agencies above are utilized to take applications and interview clients for qualification based upon

         established guidelines. Warm Hearts of Douglas County will carry out a fundraising campaign to

         raise the needed funds to support the program.   







B.           Describe any efforts your agency has made to explore the community to determine if there are any other agencies providing similar types of services.  What efforts have you made to coordination services?     We have developed a great relationship and partnered with the intake agencies that see the need annually. They and Warm Hearts, with the assistance of the City of Lawrence, are able to effectively serve this community need.













Section 5.  Program Objectives


Please provide three specific program objectives for 2008.  Objectives should demonstrate the purpose of the program and measure the amount of service delivered or the effectiveness of the services delivered.  A time frame and numerical goal should also be included.  Examples include, “75% of clients receiving job training will retain their job one year after being hired,” “increased fundraising efforts will result in a 15% increase in donations in 2008,” “credit counseling services will be provided to 600 clients in 2008,” “new digital arts program will serve 275 students in 2008” etc.  Applicants will be expected to report their progress toward meeting these objectives in their six month and annual reports to the City. 



 Program Objectives




To serve 100% of the qualified applicants applying.





















Please return completed application electronically to by

5:00 pm on Wednesday, May 2, 2007.


Office Use Only

six month report received           ¨ yes  ¨ no

annual report received:               ¨ yes  ¨ no

audit received:                           ¨ yes  ¨ no

tax return received:                    ¨ yes  ¨ no