City of Lawrence

Finance Department







Debbie Van Saun, Assistant City Manager


Casey Liebst, Management Analyst

Finance Department


Mike Wildgen, City Manager

David Corliss, Assistant City Manager


Capital Improvement Plan reporting options



Discussion points for two items related to the Capital Improvement Plan are provided below. 


Review new software capabilities to upgrade the CIP process / presentation



How can the existing CIP process be improved?


How can the existing presentation of the CIP be improved?


Do different audiences (City Commission, citizens, staff) have different needs?


CIP content improvements – What information is helpful?  What information is not?  What’s missing?


Organization issues – Projects summarized by department vs. projects by function – Fire/Med projects, Police projects vs. Public Safety projects?


Project lists improvements – What information should be included - description, justification, comments, expenditure schedule, funding schedule, maps, etc.?


Format Issues – What needs to be improved?  Font, size, orientation, colors, etc.


Cause to be developed a CIP that is more than a “wish list” and upon which the City Manager will make specific budget requests on an annual basis. 



Need for more justification for projects or need for more justification of priority/timing?


Is there value in including projects not able to be funded to show needs not being met?


Include City Commission and/or Planning Commission members on Capital Improvement Administrative Committee?