TO:           Mayor and City Commissioners


FROM:     Fred DeVictor, Director, Parks and Recreation Department


DATE:      May 13, 2004


RE:           2005 Budget transmittal memo



           By knowing the need for budget reductions, the Parks and Recreation Department has been conservative in our budget requests the last several years.


General Fund

           Our major concern for 2005 and beyond is that budget cuts continue in the general fund, which directly affects our ability to maintain a growing parks system and recreation facilities.


           We have delayed purchase/trade-in of some vehicles and equipment; the older they get, the more repair costs and down time we will have.


           We have tried to be more effective and efficient via developing and implementing a park district plan and contracting more services such as mowing and forestry work. To date we are pleased with our 2004 pilot project to contract more tree pruning and removal instead of hiring staff.


           2005 will the second year we have consolidated our responsibilities of parks, forestry, cemetery and landscaping in the general fund under one facility maintenance budget.


Recreation Division

           Similar concerns as above that funds for maintenance are available to match our ability to maintain and/or expand our programs and services.  Revenue generation relies on factors such as favorable weather for aquatics and outdoor activities and programs.


           A multi-year rate increase plan was presented in 2004 that explained annual increases for the aquatic division.  In 2004 ticket booklets went from $30 to $32, monthly passes $14 to $16 and annual passes $128 to $135.  In 2005 the plan recommends an increase in the child’s rate from $1.25 to $1.75.  All other rates stay  the same in 2005.


Golf Course

           We continue to strive toward our goal of making our budget self-sufficient, which is tricky when we rely on many factors beyond our control such as weather and a good economy.


           We are implementing a marketing plan to bring more awareness to Eagle Bend and its programs and services.  Our first four months in 2004 have seen increases from 2003 in both rounds and revenues.


           In 2005 we recommend we keep cart fees stable and increase green fees by $.50.