
City of Lawrence

Public Works



David P. Cronin, P.E., City Engineer


Zachary D. Baker, P.E., Project Engineer




PW1503 Bob Billings Parkway Corridor Improvements Set Bid Date


Project Description

The 2015 Capital Improvement Plan budgeted $2,250,000 for improvements on Bob Billings Parkway from Kasold Drive to Wakarusa Drive; $1,650,000 from infrastructure sales tax and $600,000 in general obligation bonds. On November 17, 2015, city staff provided descriptions of improvements that could be made in this corridor. The City Commission directed staff as to which Bob Billings Parkway improvements to pursue and authorized staff to request proposals from design consultants for engineering services to design the project. BG Consultants was awarded the design project and has developed plans for the following improvements to the Bob Billings corridor (see attached).


These improvements include:

1. Mill and Overlay of Bob Billings Parkway between Wakarusa and Kasold and reconfiguring lanes to provide center left turn lane between Crossgate and Kasold.

2.  Traffic Signal installed at Bob Billings Parkway & Stone Meadows Drive intersection.

3.  Traffic Signal installed at Bob Billings Parkway & Inverness Drive (South) intersection.

4.  Traffic Signal installed at Bob Billings Parkway & Bob White Drive intersection.

5.  Add sidewalk on south side of Bob Billings Parkway between Monterey Way and Inverness to fill sidewalk gap.

6.  Grade area near St. Andrews intersection to improve site distance.

7.  Construct right turn lane/bus turnout on west approach of Bob Billings Parkway & Kasold Drive.


Project Schedule

Bid Date:

June 7, 2016


Summer/Fall 2016


Project Funding

The original proposed budget for design and construction cost was $2,250,000. The choice of using the alternate design of signal installation at the Bob White intersection with Bob Billings will likely increase that total construction cost. Currently the 2015 Capital Improvement Plan budgeted $1,650,000 from infrastructure sales tax and $600,000 in general obligation bonds.



Set a bid date of June 7, 2016 for Bid No. B1623, PW1503 - Bob Billings Parkway Corridor Improvements project.