
City of Lawrence

City Manager’s Office



Mayor and City Commission


Thomas M. Markus, City Manager


May 19, 2016


Future Agenda Items


The items listed below are planned for future agendas.  I have listed the date of items as they are known at this time.  Dates are subject to change, as is the order of agenda items.



·         City Commission Meeting canceled due to fifth Tuesday.



·         Review bids and approve sale of water and sewage system revenue bonds, Series 2016-A and consider declaring an emergency and adopt on first and second reading, ordinances providing for the issuance of water and sewage bonds, Series 2016-A and resolution prescribing the forms and details of and authorizing and directing the sale and delivery of water and sewage system refunding revenue bonds, Series 2016-A

·         Review bids and approve sale of general obligation bonds, Series 2016-A and consider declaring an emergency and adopt on first and second reading, ordinances providing for the issuance of general obligation bonds, Series 2016-A and resolution prescribing the forms and details of and authorizing and directing the sale and delivery of general obligation bonds, Series 2016-A

·         Public hearing for vacation of right-of-way at 1145 Pennsylvania.

·         Public hearing for vacation of utility easement at 3530 W. 6th Street.



·         City Commission Budget Work Session @ 3:00 p.m.

Department presentations (3:00 – 5:15)

Break (5:15 – 5:45)

City Commission Meeting – Proclamations and Consent Agenda only at 5:45

City Commission Work Session continuation @ approximately 6:00 p.m.

Department presentations continue.



·         City Commission Budget Work Session @ 3:00 p.m.

Outside agency funding requests

Recommendations from Social Services Funding Advisory Board



·         Police facility.

·         Emergency Operations training.

·         Request from Callahan Creek to revise parking times in and around City parking lot no. 4 to ten hour meters.

·         Kasold Drive, from BBP to 6th Street discussion.

·         PDS fee analysis report.

·         Consider requests for skydiving at the airport.

·         Westar franchise fee agreement.

·         Study session regarding liquor licensing and retail market report.

·         19th Street reconstruction – Harper to O’Connell.

·         Special event permitting process discussion.

·         City/County EMS agreement discussion.

·         VenturePark benefit district assessments.

·         Receive presentation on Oread neighborhood parking issues.

·         Traditional neighborhood design.

·         Receive audit recommendation follow-up memo from the City Auditor and direct the auditor to close recommendations.