City of Lawrence

Public Transit Advisory Committee

July 14, 2015 minutes




Alan Black, Heather Thies, Jane Huesemann, Lyle Hettinger, Samantha Snyder


Mark Hurt, James Pavision, Marian Hukle


Robert Nugent, Serena Pearson , Wendy Koerner, Mike Sweeten, Danny Kaiser, Jessica Mortinger   




1. Call to Order

Alan Black, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:15.  Quorum met.


2. Introductions

Introductions went around the room.


3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

Both the minutes from May 12, 2015 and June 9, 2015 were presented to PTAC members.  There was a motion from Heather Thies to approve both sets of minutes. Lyle Hettinger seconded, all in favor, no opposed.


4. Transit Amenities Policies/Guidelines (Action Item)

Bob Nugent stated that there has been a lot of discussion at commission for a month or so about amenities and there is one commissioner in particular that is really interested in bus shelters. Benches and amenities were purchased to put out once service is restructured as a result of a new transit center. Also, a guideline policy was created. If there is a real push for amenities, Bob said that he would like to make sure there is structure in place for amenities. There is a table that sets a standard of daily boardings by location. There could be exceptions to this policy, but this gives us a standard to go by. There are other reasons to put up shelters or amenities, such as to be put in front of key locations such as hospitals, schools or grocery stores. Right now, we have about 20 benches and smoking/waste receptacles that we can put out. Bob believes that the existing shelters will just stay where they are. To put out amenities is expensive.  Just a slab of concrete for a bench will be about $500.00 to $1000 in concrete. We want to make sure that we are servicing those getting on a bus, not people getting off of a bus who don’t need a bus shelter. Dianne Stoddard had stated that we may want to hold off on amenities until we address the transit center issue. Other amenities may be kiosks that display what times the bus comes for the transit center. Jane Huesemann asked if there are bus shelters that are moveable. Bob replied that no, the shelters have to be anchored at 6 points in 6 inch reinforced concrete. Wendy Koerner also noted that you have to have a concrete pad for a wheelchair so a lift can come down. There is a prototype shelter that we have that has a solar panel. We also have bicycle racks. Lyle Hettinger asked what Bollards are.  Bob replied that bollards are a big steel pipe filled with concrete to prevent vehicles from hitting buildings and people. That is also an amenity and we would have them at a transit center. Jane Huesemann stated that a good idea may be to talk to the School of Architecture about building bus shelters. They would like to learn about design in the public sector. Bob said he would like to include something like Joint Share Development in the amenities package. This would be a dynamic document and add things to it. Lyle thinks that they should pass this document with the understanding that they can add things to the document in the future.  Motion: Lyle Hettinger moved to approve this as a working document that they can revisit. Heather Thies seconded.

All in favor, no opposed.


5. Updates:

a.    Transit Center – Bob Nugent let the PTAC Committee know that this item will probably go before the City Commission next week and will be part of the regular agenda.  He will be presenting two years of work – the Transit Center Analysis, the traffic study and the neighborhood meetings, etc. The vision has been to have a location that is the most convenient for transfers. Alan Black asked what Commissioner Boley’s view is about the transit center at 21st and Stewart since he lives in the neighborhood. Bob replied that he does not know, but we will find out. In the past, the commissioners talked to the neighborhood in terms of “if this was the best location”.  Lyle Hettinger asked if we have a firm site for the transit center. Bob replied that 21st and Stewart is the site that we are looking at. The 9th & Iowa site is off the table since Bob had talked to the owner of the property and he is not interested in a transit center at that site – they have other plans for that site. The MPO is applying for some planning funding.  This is going to the executive board to do a Comprehensive Operation Analysis or COA.  We really need this since we are looking at restructuring service. This would be particularly helpful for stops and segments and what pieces of that route are working well. Jane Huesemann asked if the COA looks at the possible unmet needs of riders – will it determine choice riders? Jessica Mortinger replied that there is a technical approach to this – models they build that shows latent demand of choice riders and a limited survey. There would also be public input. Jessica said that this is just an application process put into KDOT. We will know later in the fall if this was awarded. Heather Thies asked if amenities would also be included in the study and where amenities should be placed. Bob Nugent replied that yes, the COA would determine the best location since it would determine boardings, etc.

b.    Free Passes for Lawrence Summer Food Program – Bob Nugent said he had sent a memo to the Commission and City Manager that shows the alternative fare policy. The numbers are the current numbers that we would be using for this year’s contribution.  Based on these numbers, the amount that we could provide in free passes for this program would be $771.00.  The memo was dated June 12th, and if they want to do this for the summer food program, it may be too late.  Maybe this would work next year.

c.    Funding for K-10 Connector – Bob Nugent referred to the memo from the Acting City Manager that she is recommending $125,000 local contribution for this year. They met with Johnson County and they said that they need more money and they said if they don’t get more money they will cut service. Lyle Hettinger asked if they are using a “Jesse James strategy.” Bob replied that when Diane Stoddard and Casey Toomay met with them, she suggested that if Johnson County continues to ask us for money, they should to get all of the players together to talk about this (including KU and JCCC.) About five or six years ago, the state re-did the allocation for money given to transit agencies. When they reallocated, they agreed on 40% ridership, 40% population, 20% revenue miles (mainly based on performance.) Johnson County doesn’t like that we were reallocated more money and went from 250,000 to 1 million. Their money was reallocated, but now has increased back to the levels they got before. Bob said that we got more money because of performance, but Johnson County keeps asking about the money we are getting from the state.  Alan asked how much they are getting in fares?  Bob replied that they are getting 43% in farebox returns since they are a commuter service. Lyle Hettinger stated that he thinks that PTAC has no say in this funding that goes to Johnson County – it is completely the decision of the City Commission.  Bob said that he is concerned that City Commission is making decisions without going through PTAC first, and if they do ask PTAC, they are not listening to their decisions.  Also, giving Johnson County $125,000, this awards them an additional $50K in revenue miles. Bob wrote in a memo to Diane Stoddard asking if we could get the $50K if we provide them the $125,000 in funding? Jane Huesemann said that she appreciates that Bob will make that point that the City Commission is not listening to them. That is what PTAC is feeling – that they are not being listened to. Jessica Mortinger mentioned that it is important for members to attend the City Commission meetings. Bob said that the Johnson County funding issue may just pop up during a meeting – it won’t be on the regular agenda. The Johnson County issue will be part of the budget, so we just need to watch the agenda, and if it is on the consent agenda, we can ask for it to be taken off. They can also send letters to the city commission.  Lyle Hettinger thinks we should really confront this issue, because if this continues we would be jeopardizing our own bus system, and he really likes the bus system in Lawrence.




5. Public Comment

No comments from Public.



6. Next Meeting

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


7. Adjournment



-Submitted by Serena Pearson