City of Lawrence

Public Transit



Diane Stoddard Interim City Manager


Robert A. Nugent, Public Transit Administrator


Casey Toomay, Assistant City Manager


September 2, 2015


Authorize the Interim City Manager to sign an Agreement for Capital and Operating Assistance Funds of the State of Kansas and the City of Lawrence.


Background Information:

Under K.S.A 75-5032 et seq., Coordinated Public Transportation Act provides in part for capital grants to transit authority grantees for the specific purpose of assisting them in providing transportation services meeting the special needs of elderly and persons with disabilities for whom mass transportation services are unavailable, insufficient, or inappropriate.


This contract, and the funding it represents, is the result of a formal request provided to KDOT. In this request the City of Lawrence asked to utilize FY 2016 state grant funds in the amount of $1,054,945 that would be available from the Comprehensive Transportation Program on July 1, 2015. These funds do not represent any additional funding from KDOT. All of these funds were expected and have been included in budgeting for transit. The breakdown of these funds are as follows:


Capital expenses related to bus acquisition, bus shelters, bus stop signage, wheelchair landings, cut outs, computers, and other equipment/ miscellaneous items to support transit operations

Miscellaneous operating expenses related to the provision of fixed route and ADA complementary paratransit service such as amenity, systems, and equipment maintenance, printed materials, communications, office supplies, and related professional training and memberships.


This document is necessary for the City of Lawrence Department of Transit to receive funding for the FY2015 Comprehensive Transportation Program.


Action Request:

Staff seeks City Commission approval of this agreement and authorizing the Interim City Manager signature.