
City of Lawrence

Utilities Department



Diane Stoddard - Interim City Manager

Casey Toomay – Assistant City Manager


Mike Lawless – Deputy Director of Utilities


Dave Wagner – Director of Utilities

Scott McCullough, Director of Planning and Development Services

Beth Krishtalka – Assistant to Director of Utilities

Troy Shaw, Project Engineer

Bob Brower, Field Operations Superintendent


August 12, 2015


August 25, 2015 Agenda Item – Summary of the Sewer Replacement at the northeast corner of 9th & New Hampshire



On May 6, 2015, while performing preventative maintenance on a sanitary sewer main in the alley adjacent to the North Project, at the northeast corner of 9th & New Hampshire, Utilities staff discovered grout partially blocking the sewer main. The grout was from installation of the shoring for the excavation on the North Project and was blocking approximately 170 feet of the sewer main. First Construction contracted with RD Johnson to remove and replace the 170 feet grouted sewer main at the developer’s cost of approximately $110,000. In addition to the cost of the sewer replacement, Utilities staff compiled the work orders associated with the investigation, monitoring, and inspection of the sewer replacement and sent an invoice for $8,152.84 to First Construction to cover the cost incurred by the City.


With the redevelopment of Pachamamas, Border’s, and potentially more redevelopment upstream and across the alley from the North Project, and given the restricted area within which any future repairs would need to be completed, Utilities staff felt that it would be in the best interest of the City to exceed the typical, banded connection between the new sewer main and the old sewer main by continuing the sewer main replacement from the end of the grout to the upstream manhole at the City’s cost. With the development of the North Project, a manhole was constructed about 114 feet upstream of the end of the grout. Utilities staff requested First Construction to continue the sewer main replacement from the end of the grout to the upstream manhole at a cost to the City of $44,754.01. A map of the sewer replacement is attached for reference.



Funding for the sewer main replacement requested by the City will be funded from the Utilities Department cash construction fund.



Authorize the Interim City Manager to approve payment of the invoice from First Construction in the amount of $44,754.01 for the additional sewer replacement in the alley adjacent to the North Project.