City of Lawrence

Building Code Board of Appeals Meeting

June 18, 2015 Minutes



Dan Wethington, Sean Reardon, Dennis Odgers, Kevin Markley,



Micah Kimball



Development Services

Lee Queen-Building Inspector, Janet Smalter- Plans Examiner, Adrian Jones-Senior Plans Examiner



Kelly Drake, Bobbie Flory





Meeting called to order 11:05 a.m.


The Board reviewed minutes from the May 14, 2015 meeting.  LHBA representative Bobby Flory requested the Board to enter detailed minutes regarding statements made by Kelly Drake and herself.  Minutes were not approved.  The board directed staff to review and amend minutes.  Staff will provide revised minutes for approval at the July 8, 2015 meeting.


Wethington opened discussion on the HERS score.  Staff provided a report on HERS scores from July 2013 to the present.  July 2013 was the date the city adopted the 2012 IRC with HERS as an alternate compliance method.  The average draft score is 62. The average final score 63. Wethington and Markley consider the HERS value of 70 proposed under the 2012 IRC amendments to be reasonable.  Reardon consider a HERS value of 65 to be sensible.  Reardon stated in the future, with the advancement of technology, a lower value should be evaluated. Odgers agreed with the HERS value of 70 and suggested a tiered system may be an option, small to large scale projects with shifting scores.


Wethington motioned to amend the 2015 IRC TABLE N1106.4 (R406.4) to an Energy Rating Index- ERI (HERS) value of 70 for Climate Zone 4.  Odgers seconded.  Motion passed 4-0.


Staff indicated the final amendments will be reviewed and prepared for the next Board meeting.


The agenda for the next meeting will include:

  1. Review and approve minutes for May 14, 2015.
  2. Review and approve minutes for June 18, 2015.
  3. Review and approve 2015 IRC amendments.
  4. Conclude IRC 2015 review.


The next meeting is scheduled for July 8, 2015 11:00a.m.


Odgers motioned to adjourn, Seconded by Reardon.  Motion passed 4-0.  Meeting adjourned 11:53 p.m.