
City of Lawrence

Public Works



Diane Stoddard, Interim City Manager


Charles F. Soules, Director of Public Works


Casey Toomay, Brandon McGuire, Mark Thiel, Toni Wheeler, Randy Larkin, David Cronin, Brian Kidney,


July 23, 2015


Agreement to share costs of street reconstruction with the HERE Development Project, Project Number PW1417


On May 12, 2015 The City Commission authorized staff to develop an agreement with the HERE Kansas Development to provide for the reconstruction of Mississippi Street and 11th Street adjacent to the project (see attached).


Mississippi Street Project:

The City and HERE agree to share all costs on an equal basis related to the reconstruction of the traveling lanes (approximately 31-feet wide) of Mississippi Street and the relocation of the sanitary sewer from the intersection of 11th Street and Mississippi Street south a distance of 300 feet.  HERE shall be solely responsible for all costs of constructing parking spaces, curbs, and sidewalks.  HERE shall also be solely responsible for the costs of all design and engineering plans related to the Mississippi Street Project. 


11th Street Project:

The City and HERE agree to share all costs on an equal basis related to the reconstruction of the traveling lanes on 11th Street, from the intersection of 11th Street and Mississippi Street to the intersection of 11th Street and Indiana Street.  The City and HERE also agree to share the costs of all design and engineering plans related to the 11th Street Project.  The City shall be responsible for the costs of constructing curbing and sidewalks on the north side of the 11th Street Project.  HERE shall be responsible for the costs of constructing curbing and sidewalks on the south side of the 11th Street Project. 


The City will bid both projects and provide inspection. 


HERE will remit their share of the construction costs upon receipt of the bids.


The estimated city share is approximately $150,000 and is included in the 2016 budget.


The project will begin in 2016 with a completion date at the end of July 2016.  However if either of these projects were not completed, The City will not prevent HERE from occupancy due to these projects.


During construction, Mississippi Street traffic will be restricted and 11th Street will be closed.  As the plans/project progress stakeholders will be notified.



Pending City Commission consideration, authorize the Interim City Manager to execute the cost-sharing agreement for the reconstruction of Mississippi Street (including sanitary sewer relocation) and 11th Street with the HERE Kansas Development, Project Number PW1417.