Lawrence Parks and Recreation

Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

July 14, 2015



Vice Chair, Sue Hack, Kevin Loos, Joe Caldwell and Andy Clayton




Chair, LaRisa Chambers




Ernie Shaw, Tim Laurent, Mark Hecker, Jimmy Gibbs


Samantha Snyder



I.             Meeting called to order by Vice Chair Hack


II.           Approval of June 9th, 2015, minutes by Caldwell, and seconded by Loos. 


III.         Concerns of Board – Loos attended an aquatic meet this past weekend and was discouraged because “crash gym area” was not available on Sunday. USD 497 denied entrance because janitorial staff was not scheduled.  It can become quite confusing and frustrating when the rental fees do not indicate  the “crash gym area” as part of the rental fee.  Gibbs responded in the next coming weeks a meeting will take place with Tony Barron who the Director of Facilities with the school district.       


IV.         ADA Playground updates

Hecker reported there are 35 playgrounds and all have been categorized as high, medium or low usage.  The ground surface needs to be replaced with ADA approved materials  and since this is very costly playgrounds listed in the high usage category will take priority.  This year Watson Park and the playground at East Lawrence Center have plans to be completed.


V.           Current SPL Economic impact estimates from events since opening.

Hecker presented a chart that staff has been working on during the tournament session.  It consists of assessing the number of teams for each event and the approximate number of people attending.  The numbers are projecting  economic impact  that will be brought into town due to lodging and dining from patrons who will be attending tournaments.  Once information is compiled it can be forwarded to the City Commission to review.   


VI.         SPL Tournaments 8th court policy discussion

During the development process of the Sports Pavilion Lawrence comments were made that there would always be one court available for free play. The board suggested that exemptions should be made for a specified number of large events per year that would benefit both the vender and the city for a better event and more economic impact to the city. Shaw indicated staff would work on policy recommendations and present them to the board at the next meeting for review.     


VII.       KCMPRDA – Board appreciation Banquet November 20th – World War I museum at Liberty Memorial KCM -- Would like to have a commitment from board by August 11th.

Every two years an appreciation banquet is held for board members.  This year it will be held at the World War I museum at Liberty Memorial KCM.


VIII.     Staff reports


                                     i.    Recreation/ Expenses-Revenue/2015 financial updates

Hecker reported total revenue over expense is approximately $316,000.  All in all the numbers are looking good.  Eagle Bend’s revenue is down.  April through June we’ve had 71 days of rain.  Our goal is to make $300,000 in the next 3 months.    


                                    ii.    Parks/Golf Course/Projects Report/2015 financial updates

Hecker stated the Carnagie building roof is nearing completion.  Several projects in the works to include several recreation facilities will have refinished basketball courts.  East Lawrence gymnastics area will also receive some renovations.  A new Gymnastics Recreation Programmer position was authorized.  It is a revenue fee supported position.   


                                   iii.    Marketing Report

No report


X.       Other –


Meeting adjourned.  Next Advisory Board meeting scheduled for noon, Tuesday, September 8th, 2015, Parks and Recreation Conference Room located at South Park Administration Office.