
City of Lawrence

City Manager’s Office



Mayor and City Commission


Diane Stoddard, Interim City Manager


July 23, 2015


Future Agenda Items


The items listed below are planned for future agendas.  I have listed the date of items as they are known.  Dates are subject to change. 



·         Budget public hearing and adopt budget on first reading.


·         Conduct public hearing on status of 1231 Pennsylvania.


·         Conduct public hearing and adopt resolution establishing a benefit district and authorizing intersection improvements at 6th Street and Champion Lane.


·         Receive staff memo related to RS5 zoning in North Lawrence.


·         Receive staff memo related to zoning options in East Lawrence.



·         Adopt budget on second reading.


·         Conduct public hearing to consider vacation of 15’ of a drainage easement located at 109 Fall Ridge Lane.



·         Concept study for Kasold Drive, Bob Billings Parkway to 6th Street reconstruction and geometric improvements.


·         Receive staff memo related to applicability of the 2012 International Property Maintenance Code.   Staff Memo & Attachments


·         Authorize the Interim City Manager to execute agreements with Lawrence Memorial Hospital for sponsor area and lease space of Sports Pavilion Lawrence.



·         Consider the following items related to the proposed transfer of 1.38 acres of Clinton Park property to USD 497 for the construction of limited site changes associated with proposed Pinckney Elementary School improvements as shown on the District preliminary site plan as approved by the Lawrence Historic Resources Commission on December 18, 2014:


a)       Consider the proposed ‘no build’ easement that limits future improvements on the park property to only fire lane and limited parking spaces and maintains the majority of the historic park property as greenspaces for play areas and gardens.


ACTION:      Approve ‘no build’ easement, if appropriate.


b)       Consider the warranty deed, with right of first refusal clause, for the transfer of 1.38 acres of Clinton Park property to USD 497.


ACTION:      Authorize the Mayor to sign the Warranty Deed, if appropriate.


c)       Consider the proposed dedication of easement and vacation of right-of-way as depicted on the Minor Subdivision for Pinckney Addition, located at 810 W 6th Street. Submitted by Grob Engineering Services, LLC, for USD # 497 and the City of Lawrence, property owners of record.


ACTION:      Accept dedication of a stormwater drainage easement and vacate 10’ of right-of-way for Alabama Street associated with a Minor Subdivision, MS-15-00123, for Pinckney Addition, if appropriate.



·         Discussion of ordinances regulating local payday loan businesses.   Staff Memo


·         Provide policy direction to staff related to small business eligibility under current investment and job creation thresholds in the city’s property tax abatement policy and inclusion of nuisance related criteria and clawbacks in city economic development performance agreements.    Staff Memo & Attachments


·         Phase II conference center discussion.


·         Final presentation of city-wide cultural plan (tentative)