Week ending May 8, 2015



January 2015 Rental Licensing and Inspection Program Report:

Planning and Development Services provides the January 2015 rental licensing and inspection report for the commission’s and public’s review.


Update of the signalization of the intersection at 6th Street and Champion Lane:

As the Bauer Farm and Westgate Place Developments continue to be successful it has become necessary to signalize the intersection at 6th Street and Champion Lane.  The project will include construction and installation of traffic signals, sidewalks, and marked crosswalks. 


The estimated cost is approximately $400,000.  The project will be funded with $250,000 from the City/KDOT Hwy-40 Turnback Agreement and the remainder of $150,000 by establishing a benefit district (attached map).  The proposed schedule is attached.  Notices will be mailed to the property owners of the process and schedule.