City of Lawrence, KS

Community Development Advisory Committee

February 26, 2015 Minutes (City Commission Room)




Alex Delaney, Jonathan Holley, Steven Koprince, James Minor, Vern Norwood, Travis Weller, Patrick Wilbur






Linda Bush, Jenna Coker






Danelle Dresslar, Brad Karr






Emily Matteson (PNA), Pat Miller (PNA), Terry Leatherman (HCCI), Lori Harse (LHFH), Kim Heck (PNA), Shannon Oury (LDCHA), Rich Minder (SB6), Ali Edwards (HCHC), Anna Van Schoelandt (WDVC), Brooks Dozier (LCS), Brian Blevins (LCS), Eric Fitzmorris (CCNEK), Robert Baker (TTH), Rena Figures (BCNA)



Chair Wilbur called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.


1.  Introductions.


Members introduced themselves.


2.  Approval of the February 12, 2015 Minutes.


Norwood moved to approve the CDAC meeting minutes from February 12, 2015.  Delaney seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.


3. Discuss of 2015 Public Service applications.


Dresslar reminded the committee they still need to allocate 13c, City of Lawrence Community Development Division (CDD), CDBG Administration. Dresslar also said there will be $150,000 in reallocation that will be added to the Capital Improvement allocation; more details would be given when the Capital Improvement allocations begin. Wilbur asked if the amount listed on the table of contents spreadsheet for 13c is the correct amount for the Administration. Dresslar said the requested amount was listed on the application before the actual amount of funding was released. The 20% cap for CDBG Administration would now be $136,017.


Wilbur moved to fund 13c, City of Lawrence Community Development Division (CDD), Administration at the 20% cap of $136,017. Minor seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.


Wilbur informed the committee there was $22,866 in available funds to allocate for the neighborhood associations. The committee discussed what expenses should be eligible for allocation to the neighborhood associations. Wilbur reminded the committee about the discussion at the last meeting about the $720 included in the BNA budget line item for coordinator salary that was moved to “Other Publicity”, possibly for a neighborhood survey. Norwood suggested those neighborhoods interested in a survey should include it as a page in their newsletter. Koprince pointed out there is not enough money left in the allocation to fund the coordinator salary and full communication expenses for all of the neighborhoods. Wilbur asked if they should go line by line through the budget. Koprince suggested hearing from any neighborhood representatives who were in attendance.


Pat Miller, PNA president, spoke to the committee about their use of funding. Their past funding has gone exclusively to operations and media communications, including newsletters, postcards, website, email list and Facebook page. Their request this year for coordinator salary is $3600, while some other neighborhoods pay a larger coordinator salary. If the committee reduces all of the neighborhood allocations by a set percentage, it would hurt their smaller funding more. Although not listed in the PNA grant application, they would like to update their Neighborhood Plan, since the last plan was completed in 1978.


Delaney said he had questions about the NLIA application, and asked if Ted Boyle was in attendance; he was not. Wilbur noted the NLIA budget includes funding for a meeting space and a neighborhood cleanup, but anything not related to coordinator salary and communication expenses are probably not going to be funded. Norwood was concerned that removing the funding for a meeting space could cripple a Neighborhood Association.


Delaney asked if the committee was prepared to reduce any of the Public Service Agency allocations to increase funding to the Neighborhood Associations. Wilbur said the only specific question they had about the Public Service Agency allocations concerned the Willow Domestic Violence Center’s laundry equipment. Holley said they had discussed reducing the allocation by $750 to only fund one dryer. Koprince asked about the need for two dryers. Anna Van Schoelandt said the amount of wear and tear from the constant use and the use of the dryers on high heat to kill bugs was the reason for needing two dryers. Wilbur stated he did not see any reason to reduce the funding for WDVC.


Wilbur said he is more in favor of examining each line item in the neighborhood budgets instead of a flat percentage reduction. Koprince agreed with such a limited amount of funds to work with, examining each budget might be necessary. Delaney said he could see the reasoning behind a percentage reduction, and then the neighborhood board decides on how to use the funds. Norwood said a flat percentage reduction would only encourage the applicants to ask for a larger amount in the future. The committee agreed the coordinator salary is vital and to start by funding those.


Norwood moved to fund the coordinator salary for 1a, Brook Creek Neighborhood Association (BCNA) at $3,480; coordinator salary for 2a, East Lawrence Neighborhood Association (ELNA) at $4,800; coordinator salary for 3a, North Lawrence Improvement Association (NLIA) at $1,000; coordinator salary for 4a, Pinckney Neighborhood Association (PNA) at $3,600. Wilbur seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-1.


Delaney did not agree with only allocating $1,000 to NLIA coordinator salary when the others were much higher.


Miller (PNA) commented the committee might want to consider what each Neighborhood Association’s current resources are when determining the allocations. Delaney said they have to be careful not to punish those neighborhoods with good money management skills and other funding sources.


Weller indicated the $22,866 they started the Neighborhood Association allocation with is $4,000 less than what was funded last year, and he felt funding these neighborhoods is one of the most important things they do. Delaney indicated there are around forty Neighborhood Associations in Lawrence, with four or five receiving CDBG funding. The CDBG Public Service allocation is used to fund both the Public Services Agencies and these Neighborhood Associations, but only the Agencies report a direct benefit to those assisted. Rich Minder commented possibly the application proposal for CDBG funds could better detail the need and the outcome expected from the use of those funds. Koprince commented he does not want to reduce the funding to the Public Service Agencies who provide sometimes critical services to those in need. Delaney agreed, but still felt the amount allocated to NLIA for coordinator salary is unreasonable compared to the other applicants, even though that is what they listed in their budget. Dresslar said NLIA might not ask for as much in coordinator salary since Ted Boyle is very active in NLIA and volunteers his time, whereas other neighborhoods rely on just the coordinator to do a lot of those duties.


Dresslar added City staff would like to provide information on how other communities use their Public Service allocation, but Lawrence is one of the only communities that still funds Neighborhood Associations; reduction in funding levels have led other communities to only fund the Public Service Agencies.


Delaney suggested they fund NLIA coordinator salary at the same level as the next lowest request. Weller asked if that would have to be spent on the coordinator. Koprince indicated no, the allocation could be used as the Neighborhood Association saw fit.


Delaney moved to fund the coordinator salary for 3a, North Lawrence Improvement Association (NLIA) at $3,600. Norwood seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.


Rena Figures (BCNA) commented with the reduction of the $720 from the BCNA coordinator salary line item that would make the BCNA the next lowest salary at $3,480. The committee agreed.


Delaney moved to fund the coordinator salary for 3a, North Lawrence Improvement Association (NLIA) at $3,480. Weller seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.


Karr informed the committee the remaining amount to be allocated was $7,506.


The committee agreed to split the remaining amount between the Neighborhood Associations. Norwood suggested the committee discuss at a later meeting more detail on how the Neighborhood Associations will be funded in the future. Dresslar said the September meeting each year includes discussion on changes to the CDBG/HOME applications.


Wilbur moved to fund operating expenses for 1a, Brook Creek Neighborhood Association (BCNA) at $1,876.50; operating expenses for 2a, East Lawrence Neighborhood Association (ELNA) at $1,876.50; operating expenses for 3a, North Lawrence Improvement Association (NLIA) at $1,876.50; operating expenses for 4a, Pinckney Neighborhood Association (PNA) at $1,876.50. Koprince seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.





4. Discussion of 2015 HOME applications and reduction in funding.


Dresslar explained the HOME allocation was reduced by 15% this year; adjusting down the percentages for CHDO Projects Funds, CHDO Operating Funds and CDD HOME Administration still leaves a shortfall of $40,938.


Delaney asked if the committee was considering reducing 19a, Lawrence Habitat for Humanity (LHFH). Weller said he felt the amount could be reduced to zero. Wilbur indicated he felt it could be reduced to $5,000. Holley said he would be in favor of reducing it, or eliminating it entirely based on the budget amounts provided by the three applicants.


Lori Harse, Executive Director of Lawrence Habitat for Humanity (LHFH), spoke to the committee about their application. Since she has been there, the number of homes built per year has dropped from around seven in 2007 to only one or two in the past few years; every dollar received is helpful.


Weller reminded the committee only one of the three applicants can fundraise for donations. Wilbur agreed under the current circumstances, the allocation for LHFH might need to be eliminated.


Wilbur moved to zero fund 19a, Lawrence Habitat for Humanity, Foundations for Three Homes. Weller seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-2.


Robert Baker, Resource Development Director for Tenants to Homeowners, Inc. (TTH) spoke to the committee about the overall need for other sources of funding for affordable housing besides Federal funds. These agencies applying for funds are all connected by the people they serve; unfortunately a cut to one agency impacts the others as well.


Shannon Oury, Executive Director of the Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority (LDCHA), spoke to the committee about the Homeless Transitional Housing Program (TBRA). The LDCHA has issued the last two TBRA vouchers from last year’s HOME grant, which means no additional homeless people can be assisted in finding housing under this program from now until the beginning of the next grant year in August 2015. Norwood asked how many are currently on the waiting list. Oury said at least 20 are on the list, with some of those also being able to qualify for regular public housing when it comes available.


Norwood asked Baker if they also had a waiting list. Baker said yes, there is always a list for affordable rental housing, especially for those individuals with permanent physical disabilities. Norwood said it is bad when you look around Lawrence and see all of the vacant apartments, and there are those without housing. Baker said there are private landlords in Lawrence who would rather keep their units empty than rent to people that are homeless.


Delaney moved to fund 13b, City of Lawrence Community Development Division (CDD), First Time Homebuyers Program-Lawrence Comm. Land Trust at $54,562; to fund 17a, Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority (LDCHA), Homeless Transitional Housing Program (TBRA) at $174,804. Weller seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.





5. Discussion of 2015 Capital Improvement applications.


Dresslar spoke to the committee about the Capital Improvement reallocation amount and changes to the application for 13a, City of Lawrence Community Development Division (CDD), Housing Rehab/EL/FL/Weatherization. The CDD staff has had recent difficulty in contractor recruitment for the Housing Rehab program. The grant funds awarded last year were based on an estimate of completing ten homes per grant year, but that many were not completed. The $150,000 Capital Improvement reallocation is those funds being added back into the available grant amount. CDD will also scale back their application request for this grant year to $360,000 for the Emergency Loan program, Furnace Loan program, Weatherization program and a reduced estimate of four Housing Rehabs. Dresslar explained to the committee this is just for this grant year, until the contractor recruitment situation can be resolved and more Housing Rehab projects can be completed each year. This would allow the committee enough in the grant to fully fund all of the Capital Improvement requests. The remaining $6,859 would be added into next year’s Capital Improvement allocation.


Norwood moved to fully fund 12a, City of Lawrence (Public Works Division), Sidewalk Gap project; to fully fund 12b, City of Lawrence (Public Works Division), 31st St Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon at Cottonwood; to fully fund 12c, City of Lawrence (Public Works Division), 5th and Maine St Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon; to fund 13a, City of Lawrence Community Development Division (CDD), Housing Rehab/EL/FL/Weatherization at $360,000; to fully fund 14a, Community Living Opportunities (CLO), Exterior Building Repairs; to fully fund 15a, Independence, Inc., Accessible Housing Program (AHP); to fully fund 16a, North Lawrence Improvement Association (NLIA), Traffic Calming Device; to move the remaining $6859 to  next year’s Capital Improvement allocation. Delaney seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.


Weller asked if the remaining $6859 could be allocated to LHFH. Dresslar said no, the CDBG Capital Improvement funds cannot be used for HOME allocations. Weller asked if other Neighborhood Associations could apply for Capital Improvement funds like NLIA did. Dresslar said yes, as long as the improvement would be done in a low-mod area and all other City requirements and approvals were met; Oread Neighborhood did several Capital Improvement projects in the past, and NLIA did a bus-stop concrete pad recently.


6. Public Comment.


There was no public comment.


7. Miscellaneous/Calendar.


Dresslar said with the allocations being done, it was up to the committee if they wanted to have a meeting in March 2015. If not, the next meeting would be April 9, 2015 and the public hearing would be at the second meeting in April 2015.


Norwood moved to cancel the March 2015 meetings of the CDAC. Holley seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.


The next meeting of the CDAC will be April 9, 2015. The 2015 CDBG/HOME allocations will be reviewed for recommendation to the City Commission. The Public Hearing on the recommended allocation will be at the meeting on April 23, 2015.


8.  Adjourn.


Delaney moved to adjourn the February 26, 2015 meeting of the CDAC at 6:53 p.m.  Wilbur seconded the motion.  The motion passed 7-0.


Attendance Record




Jan 8

Jan 22

Feb 12

Feb 26

Apr  9

Apr 23















Linda Bush





















Jenna Coker





















Alex Delaney





















Jonathan Holley





















Steven Koprince





















James Minor





















Vern Norwood





















Travis Weller





















Patrick Wilbur
































































E        Excused Absence

U        Unexcused Absence

X        Meeting Cancelled – Weather Conditions

-         Meeting Cancelled – Committee Vote/No Business

*        First meeting after appointment

**      Last Meeting Prior to expired term

^       Last Meeting