
City of Lawrence

Public Work Department



Charles F. Soules, P.E., Public Works Director


Mark Thiel, Assistant Public Works Director


April 2, 2015


Award sole source purchase for security camera’s for Riverfront (PW-1439) and Vermont Street garage (PW-1440)


Project Description

Public Works is installing Panasonic security cameras in the Riverfront Garage and adding additional Panasonic cameras to the Vermont Street Garage. The original installation of a few first floor cameras in the Vermont Street Garage has proven to be both a deterrent to vandalism and gives the ability to review garage activities.


Project Details

This project is considered a sole source purchase due to the need to continue with the installation and use of the same equipment that was originally installed in the Vermont Street Garage. We recommended Midwest Digital Technologies for the sole source purchase. They have knowledge of the existing Panasonic equipment installed in the Vermont Garage and have worked with us on the design of the additional cameras in the Vermont Garage as well as the Riverfront Garage project.


We have had several design meetings with Parking Control, Lawrence Police Department, Panasonic USA, and Midwest Digital Technologies in order to ensure that we have the correct cameras and that they are strategically positioned/placed throughout the garages to ensure as much coverage as possible. The feed from the cameras will not be monitored but will be fed to a server at City Hall.


Installation of this equipment is being done in-house through our Facilities Division.


Project Funding

Funding for this project will be from the capitol reserve fund.


PW-1439, Riverfront Garage


PW-1440, Vermont Garage



Total cost for Panasonic cameras for both garages is $27,716.39



Approve sole source purchase of digital Panasonic cameras from Midwest Digital Technologies for PW-1439, Riverfront garage and PW-1440, Vermont Street garage in the amount of $27,716.39 from the Capital Reserve Improvement Fund.