
City of Lawrence

Public Work Department



Charles F. Soules, P.E., Public Works Director


Mark Thiel, Assistant Public Works Director


Tarik Khatib, Chief of Police


March 31, 2015


Request for two (2) - 15 minute meter parking stalls on 9th Street, adjacent to the Marriot Hotel at 9th and New Hampshire Streets


The Town Place Suites Marriot have requested that the two parking stalls located on the north side of the hotel on 9th Street (see maps) be designated with a 15 minute parking limit. They have indicated that the street level businesses that would locate within their property need frequent turn over for customers. (See request)


The determination of time limits for meter parking in the downtown area has been reviewed and approved by the City Commission in the past.



Approve Town Place Suites Marriot Hotel request for two (2) 15-minute parking meters on 9th Street adjacent to their property.