
City of Lawrence

Planning and Development Services



David L. Corliss, City Manager


Scott McCullough, Director Planning and Development Services

Sheila Stogsdill, Planning Administrator


Lynne Braddock Zollner, Historic Resources Administrator


March 4, 2015


Oak Hill Cemetery Receiving/Holding Vault and City Owned Historic Properties



Historic resources are a valuable asset to the City of Lawrence. Quality of life promotes a vibrant community that attracts both visitors and residents. Historic resources are a significant part of creating Lawrence’s sense of place.


Project Description

The Historic Resources Administrator would like to apply for two grants to identify and preserve Oak Hill Cemetery as an important Cultural Landscape associated with the development of the City. The development of the cemetery was part of a National movement to create rural cemeteries that incorporated landscape features. 2015 is the 150th anniversary of Oak Hill Cemetery.   At its meeting on February 19, 2015, the Historic Resources Commission directed staff to apply for the following grants pending City approval. 


Grant #1 – Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council Heritage Grant -- This grant proposal would request funds to restore the Receiving/Holding Vault located in Oak Hill Cemetery.  Built c. 1884, the vault is a significant architectural element of the cemetery (Egyptian Revival), and expresses an entirely different time period.  The lack of modern machinery made it necessary to hold the deceased until the gravesite was available for burial – typically due to frozen conditions. Other times the vault was used was to hold the deceased until a mausoleum or gravesite could be completed and or purchased.  The vault is in need of restoration due to deferred maintenance.  Several of the stones are in need of repair and some stones will need to be replaced in-kind.  The vault will need to be repointed and the roof repaired.  The total cost for this project is anticipated to be $55,000. While no monetary match is required, support of the project through in-kind and financial participation is one of the key evaluation criteria for the grant.


Grant #2 – This Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) grant proposal will request funds to study Oak Hill Cemetery with a survey, evaluate the eligibility of the cemetery for the National Register of Historic Places, prepare a National Register nomination for the City to consider, and develop a Teaching with Historic Places curriculum for the cemetery. The anticipated amount of the grant request is $22,000.  Because the City is a Certified Local Government, we are eligible for 60% ($13,200) of the total project cost.  The remaining 40% ($8,800) can be salaries for administration, mapping, photography, editing, preparation of printing, etc. The majority of matching for previous HPF grants has been staff salaries.  


Oak Hill Cemetery Cost of Maintenance if the Property were to be Listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Staff is of the opinion the addition of Oak Hill Cemetery to the Lawrence and National Registers of Historic Places will not alter the cemetery costs, maintenance, or operation. While listing in the National Register and the Lawrence Register will require review under the State Preservation Law (K.S.A. 75-2724, as amended) and Chapter 22 of the City Code for alterations that require permits or licenses, staff has not been able to identify maintenance or operation activities that will require such a review.  New construction of structures not related to burials would require review to ensure their compatibility with the cemetery. 


Maintenance and Operations of a cemetery:

None of these operations or maintenance items would require review.


The cost of maintenance and operations of Oak Hill if it is listed in the National and/or Lawrence Register should be similar if not the same as the current property.  A comparable property would be South Park which is listed in both the National Register and the Lawrence Register.  When the building on the west half of the park (now Parks and Recreation offices) needed new windows, the change was reviewed and the window selected by Parks and Recreation was approved administratively.  When the door was proposed to be relocated to the south and relocated back to the east elevation, the requested changes were approved administratively. No additional cost was incurred by Parks because the property was listed.


Staff Recommendation

Grant opportunities currently exist for Oak Hill Cemetery. Staff recommends the submission of the two grants to repair the receiving/holding vault and to survey and document the cemetery.



Authorize staff to submit grant applications for the restoration of the receiving/holding vault at Oak Hill Cemetery and for the documentation of Oak Hill Cemetery using in-kind matching including staff salaries.