
City of Lawrence

Planning and Development Services Department



David L. Corliss, City Manager   


Development Services Staff


Scott McCullough, Director Planning & Development Services


February 25, 2015


1231 Pennsylvania Street – Adoption of Resolution No. 7105 to set a public hearing date to consider ordering the structures to be repaired or demolished



The single family house located at 1231 Pennsylvania Street is a one story three-room structure that has been owned by Mr. Leon Kimball for many years.  Information Mr. Kimball shared with staff during an on-site conversation suggested he has not lived at the property for a very long time.  Staff has confirmed that gas, electric and water utility services have been disconnected from the house for over 20 years.


Mr. Kimball has previously stated that he has been living at another residence in Lawrence due to the poor interior condition of the house at 1231 Pennsylvania Street.  Based on Mr. Kimball’s statements about the interior condition of the house, and the severely deteriorated condition of the exterior of the house structure and accessory buildings, staff determined that an interior inspection was necessary to determine the full scope of deterioration.  However, Mr. Kimball denied staff’s request for consent to perform an interior inspection. 


On January 30, 2015, staff executed an administrative search warrant (issued by the District Court of Douglas County on January 29, 2015). The interior and exterior inspection of the house and other accessory structures confirmed staff’s concerns about the extent of deterioration to the house and three (3) accessory buildings on the property (as clearly shown in pictures taken by staff on January 30, 2015).  It was apparent to staff that the house and accessory structures have not been maintained in a safe, habitable, sanitary and code-compliant condition for a significant period of time.  


It is staff’s opinion that rehabilitation of the house and accessory structures at 1231 Pennsylvania Street to a safe and code-compliant condition would be a monumental and exceedingly expensive undertaking. The following is a summary of the most serious structural deterioration conditions observed.



·         The roof is failing in multiple areas and daylight can be seen through the roof from the interior. 

·         The floor joists of the living areas are rotted, failing and in some places, completely absent.

·         The floor assembly in what used to be the kitchen is severely compromised, is leaning and has failed in some areas.

·         The ceiling is deteriorated to the point of collapse in many areas of the living room and kitchen.

·         The utility components (plumbing, electrical and HVAC) are rotted, deteriorating and/or incomplete where visible.

·         There are areas on the exterior of the house, including siding, soffit and trim, with significant rot, deterioration and holes.

·         The front porch structure is not properly supported and is failing.


Accessory Structures

·         All three structures have many areas of rot and holes in the siding and roof, and are not structurally sound. 


In addition to the poor and unsafe conditions of the house and accessory structures, the exterior rear yard and front porch have an excessive amount of stored personal items that are in violation of the city’s Property Maintenance Code.    Items such as scrap wood, old windows, used plastic containers, old Christmas tree stands, and other miscellaneous items are stored in various areas of the rear yard.  Many, if not most of these items are deteriorated or damaged due to being stored outside for a long period of time.  The items stored on the front porch are similar to those located in the rear yard, but to a much lesser degree.  Staff has worked with Mr. Kimball on several occasions in prior years in an attempt to bring the rear yard and front porch conditions into compliance.  Unfortunately, only minimal improvements have occurred over time. A request to abate non-complying exterior yard and porch storage will be pursued through a separate resolution presented in conjunction with Resolution No. 7105.


Action Requested

Staff requests that the City Commission adopt Resolution No. 7105, setting a public hearing date of April 21, 2015, pursuant to K.S.A. 12-1750 et. seq., to consider ordering the house and accessory structures at 1231 Pennsylvania Street to be repaired or demolished.