Meeting Minutes

The Joint Economic Development Council of Lawrence & Douglas County

Friday December 19th, 2014

8:30 a.m.

Bioscience and Technology Business Center

Members in attendance:  Brad Finkeldei, Mike McGrew, Scott Criqui, Leslie Soden, Jon Josserand, Larry McElwain, Barack Matite, Tim Caboni


Ex-Officio Members in attendance: Dave Corliss


Also in attendance: Chad Lawhorn, Brady Pollington, Bonnie Lowe, Britt Crum-Cano


Mr. McElwain called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m.


Mr. McGrew motioned to approve the previous meeting minutes, Mr. Finkeldei seconded.


Mr. Pollington provided an update on EDC activities as they relate to BR&E, entrepreneurship, & attraction.  Mr. Criqui and Mr. Josserand inquired about entrepreneurship activities. Mr. McElwain discussed KRN activities.


Mr. McElwain provided feedback on diversity discussions held at the Chamber and how the Chamber intends to promote diversity and minority inclusion and the possibility of developing a minority taskforce.  Mr. Criqui acknowledged the need asked for regular updates and expansion to other underserved populations.


Mr. McElwain provided an update on the finalization and adoption of the Community Strategic Economic Development Plan and the EDC role to be good communicators about the activation of the plan.  Mr. Wildgen questioned the efficacy of the JEDC and its purpose.  Mr. McGrew asked of Mr. Wildgen what his suggested ideas to increase efficacy, purpose, and influence.  Mr. Wildgen advised better use and understanding of the JEDC talents.  Mr. McElwain expressed his attempt to be more communicative. Ms. Lowe emphasized that the spirit of the JEDC ordinance is being met and that if more meetings are wanted, they can be scheduled as long as it is a good use of time.


Mr. McElwain provided a Peaslee Center update.  Mr. Wildgen expressed his interest in meeting Marvin Hunt. Mr. Corliss recommended a retro-fit update from Marvin would be good a good opportunity to introduce him to the JEDC. Mr. McElwain informed the group that meetings with the industry segments, with regard to functional facility design, have happened and the design research has been taken to the architect for review and implementation into schematics for the Peaslee retrofit.  McElwain also reported that an RFP for a prospective tenant has been submitted for a workforce oriented tenant for the Peaslee Center, further supporting the training campus.


Mr. Josserand commented on the perception of Kansas in light of the press it receives and how it may affect economic development.  Mr. Pollington commented that media is not always the most reliable source of information and that the EDC will continue to promote Douglas County’s strengths.


Having no further business to conduct the meeting was adjourned at 9:44.


Respectfully submitted on this date:  December 19th, 2014.




Brady Pollington, Vice President