City of Lawrence

Lawrence – Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee

December 16, 2014 Minutes




Lisa Hallberg, Erin Paden, Bill Anderson, Jim MacMurray, Rod Hernandez


Dan Ashley, Justin Eddings, Jacki Becker, David Hamby


Jessica Mortinger, David Cronin, Todd Girdler, Stephen Mason, Tresa Carter


Michael Almon, John Thornburg, Bonnie Uffman


1.   Call Meeting to Order and Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.


2.   Action Item: Approval of the October 21st Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes from October was moved by Bill Anderson, seconded by Jim MacMurray and passed unanimously.


3.  Discussion Item: Sustainability Advisory Board (SAB) - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Update

Tresa Carter, Sustainability Intern, presented a summary PowerPoint of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and announced the new SAB priories for Climate Protection. As part of the direction to encourage work towards these new climate protection goals, Sustainability Coordinator Eileen Horn had Tresa draft Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator Job Description (attached) based on research of what Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator job descriptions and scope of works look like in other cities with strong Climate Protection areas. BAC members reviewed the data presented and asked questions to clarify. Members thanked Tresa for her presentation and indicated they were excited about the opportunity to discuss the draft job description that had been provided since the Bikeway plan calls for such a position. Michael Almon indicated he was present to speak to this item during the public comments. Lisa Hallberg invited him to speak to the issue at the current time. Michael Almon shared copies of Slides and Memos that Sustainability Action Network had previously shared with the City Commission. He wanted to know who authored the draft job description.  Tresa Carter indicated she had at the request of Eileen Horn. Michael Almon asked where the idea for a position of this nature came from. He indicated that this position was a result of requests he had made on behalf of the Sustainability Action Network two years ago to the City Commission, however he had requested a position for a Bicycle Engineer. He feels that a Bicycle Engineer in public works is what is needed and a Bicycle Coordinator is a distraction and a waste of funds. Jessica Mortinger, asked Michael Almon to address his concerns and provide feedback to Eileen Horn, the BAC wasn’t acting on this draft position at the meeting today. Lisa Hallberg indicated that there are multiple community visions for a Bicycle & Pedestrian related position and that groups are being given the opportunity to comment and respond to the draft presented by the Sustainability Staff. She also noted that some members of the BAC and Community feel that many of the other E’s besides Engineering needed staff attention. Bill Anderson noted that the work towards Education/Encouragement was not enough even with BAC members spending 3-4 hours a month.  He also noted that momentum is building for Bicycle Advocacy. Erin Paden asked Tresa if additional communities could be researched. BAC members discussed this and asked Tresa if the following communities could be looked at: Colombia, MO; Ft. Collins, CO; Boulder, CO; Missoula, MT; Lincoln, NE; Davis, CA. Todd Girdler noted that the MPO staff was limited in the work they could do in the bike/ped arena by their funding source, which prevents them from doing advocacy work. He suggested specifically that Tresa explore how these other cities engineer projects, preform their engineering in house or consult it out. David Cronin indicated the Public Works staff has engineered bicycle facilities; however these designs and scope are limited due to funding. There are very few bicycle and pedestrian specific projects because there is not dedicated funding. The recent projects that are bike/ped have been funded with successful applications for Transportation Alternatives funding from KDOT. BAC members agreed they would like to invite Sustainability Staff back after additional research is done so they can consider the description in greater detail and provide comments.


4.  Discussion Item: Bike Repair Stands

BAC members discussed possible locations and agreed their top four would be: Downtown (by the Library and/or Swimming Pool, at the Rotary Arboretum, near the Levy/ River Bridge and on the Burroughs Creek Trail (15th/19th/23rd).


5.  Action Item: Appoint 2015 Chair and Vice Chair

This item was tabled until the January 2015 Meeting.


6.        Other Business/ Updates

SRTS -Jessica Mortinger noted that the Health Department is forming school teams and that some schools need additional support recruiting members. BAC members asked for a list of those schools so they could help recruit members. Jessica Mortinger indicated she would request a list from the Health Department staff and share it with BAC members. Jessica Mortinger also mentioned that planning is currently underway for a January 14th Community SRTS Workshop, more information would be coming soon.

Bike Lane Ordinance – Jessica Mortinger informed the BAC that the ordinance passed the City Commission.

Pedestrian/Bikeability Summit Update- Erin Paden announced that she is the new chair of the Lawrence Pedestrian Coalition and that she is leading the organization of the Spring Pedestrian Bikeability Summit. She noted that letters had been sent out to a number of organizations and she would welcome any interested help in participating and coordinating the event.

Safety Work Updates – Jessica Mortinger indicated that there are two Safety work items planned for 2015. Currently staff is in negotiations with a KU Student for Independent Study work to draft a Bicycle Safety Plan that addresses the Crash data and safety perceptions in Lawrence. She also indicated that FHWA and KDOT are planning to conduct a "Walking and Bicycling Road Safety Assessment (RSA)” in early 2015. More information is expected about both of these planning work items at future meetings.

2015 BAC Work Plan- Jessica Mortinger passed out copies of the 2014 Work Plan to BAC members and asked them to review it and provide her comments to draft the 2015 Work Plan.


7.        Public Comments

Stephen Mason introduced himself as the new Parks and Recreation staff member assigned to attend BAC and work on bicycle education and encouragement activities.


John Thornburg asked BAC if they had followed up with the Lawrence Public Library Bicycle Parking situation. Jessica Mortinger said she hadn’t been apprised of any new information to share since the results of the City Commission decision were shared. Mr. Thornburg indicated that he believed the process was profoundly flawed. Mr. Thornburg said that he requested to the City Commission that the rack on the Douglas County Senior Services lot be removed because it forced kids to cross the parking garage entrance to lock their bikes. This move took 6 weeks to complete. He also noted that there are flaws in the concrete that leave puddles of water standing. He is frustrated that the process has allowed city administrators to make changes to the approved site plan. These concerns are of particular importance with the plans in the community to develop a downtown grocery store. He indicated the process has a lack of transparency. Erin Paden indicated that she spoke with Brad Allen, and he indicated that he desired additional bicycle parking improvements however is lacking funding to implement additional improvements. Bill Anderson said that the City Commission has the final decision after the public comment and advocacy groups provide their comments/recommendations.


8.   Webinar Viewing: Dynamics of Effective Advisory Committees

This item was planned to be rescheduled.


9.   Adjournment of Meeting and Announcement of Next Meeting

The meeting ended at 6:35 p.m. The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for January 13, 2014 at 5PM.