Lawrence Parks and Recreation

Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2014



Chair Kevin Loos, Sue Hack, Joe Caldwell, Andy Clayton




Vice Chair LaRisa Chambers-Lochner




Tim Laurent, Jimmy Gibbs, Mark Hecker, Roger Steinbrock; Ernie Shaw; Crystal Miles


Chad Lawhorn



I.             Meeting called to order by Chair Loos


II.           Approval of November 11, 2014, minutes by Clayton, and seconded by Caldwell. 


III.         Concerns of Board – Clayton inquired about the security at the Sports Pavilion particularly in the turf area when someone has one of the fields reserved.  Laurent responded that currently signage is in place at those events, however he would like to look into something more substantial.  Clayton also inquired on whether there is designated free play time and Laurent indicated there is but it is becoming an issue because there have been a lot of requests to use that space.  Available free play times will need to be reviewed.             


IV.         Emerald Ash bore information – Crystal Miles

Miles made a presentation on the destruction the Emerald Ash bore and its impact on Ash trees.  Testing has been completed for the past two years on our trees and there has not been any indication the Emerald Ash borer has arrived in the Lawrence area.  Many have been found in the Wyandotte County Lake area.  Miles supplied information on the background of the Ash bore and its origin, how to identify the insect and what to do once the insect has been identified.  A strategic Impact Plan will be presented to the City Commission in February.  Once the insects have been found in our community, our county would become “quarantined” and we would only be allowed to ship live trees, wood to other counties that are also quarantined.  Removal and disposal methods along with public education will need to be created.  These will be summarized and also presented to the City Commission.  There are approximately 1000 public Ash trees located in right of ways, parks etc.     


V.           Rock Chalk Park/ Sports Pavilion Lawrence – Operations report

Laurent reported there have been 63,807 visitors in November.  An increase of over 10,700 visitors from October 2014’s totals (53,100 visitors in October).  This weekend, the annual Holiday Extravaganza was hosted at the Sports Pavilion Lawrence.  130 vendors were signed up to participate with an additional 20 that were placed on a waiting list.  Turnout was really good and there was a lot of positive feedback from vendors.  This coming weekend AGAPE Hoops Productions Basketball Tournament is scheduled.  Anticipation estimated attendance 1000 each day.          


VI.         Library Plaza Skate Rink report – Opened Nov. 28th.

Gibbs reported there were 1300 skate rentals during the opening weekend.  The reception from the community has been fantastic.  Additional skates are on order to meet the demand of younger skaters.  The Ugly Sweater Skate event will be held this Saturday.  The rink will be open until the second week in February.    


VII.       Trail grants – RCP trail extension – Burcham river trail – rail trail upgrade 23rd -29th

Shaw reported The City of Lawrence has been awarded a grant from the Recreational Trails Program administered by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism and the Federal Highway Administration for an extension of the trails at Rock Chalk Park.  $320,000 of the grant was awarded from the Trails Advisory Board and will assist in connecting the trails at Rock Chalk Park to Queens Road. Portions of the trail running along the City easement will pass over a creek in multiple areas, which will require bridges to be constructed for the crossovers.  The extension of the trail will acquaint users to the Baldwin Creek area and provide safe route to connect to Queens Road.  The total cost of the trail is estimated to be $400,000.  The grants are funded through a portion of the motor fuel excise tax collected from non-highway recreational fuel use.  The Burcham River Trail grant from the Sunflower Foundation will also commence in 2015.  The Rail Trail will also commence in the coming Spring, which was a KDOT awarded grant two years ago.  Concrete and upgrades from 23rd Street to 29th Street, there will also be a connection to the bypass.


VIII.     Holiday/Team work award luncheon – December 12th, Carnegie Building

Shaw made aware the Annual Holiday Luncheon and the Tom Wilkerson Teamwork Awards would be held this Friday.


IX.          Staff reports

                                     i.    Recreation/Golf Revenue/Expense Report – Hecker reported the recreational budget is a little difficult to calculate this year because there are new programs that we’ve never had before and staffing at a higher level.  Currently there is an $80,000 positive in the budget.  Operating at a negative 225,000 because of the capital that was spent on the new recreation facility.  Eagle Bend is also doing well.                  


                                    ii.    Parks/Projects Report – Hecker reviewed the upcoming projects slated for 2015.


                                   iii.    Marketing Report – Steinbrock reported the toy drive is currently going on.  Also in the process of working with a few intern candidates for 2015.            


Meeting adjourned.  Next Advisory Board meeting scheduled for noon, Tuesday, January 13th, 2014, Parks and Recreation Conference Room located at South Park Administration Office.