City of Lawrence

Lawrence Human Relations Commission

August 21, 2014 – 5:30 PM



Members Present:  Scott Criqui, Bill Welch, James Dunn, Carl Edwards, Sarah Bloxsom


Members Excused:  Katrina McClure


Members Unexcused:  Kirsten Krug


Staff Present:  Toni Wheeler, Elizabeth Hafoka and Susan Parson


Public Present:  Ben Cline, Reporter from KNWA News Fayetteville, Arkansas (501)416-7050; and John Cumpston, Camera person from KNWA News Fayetteville, Arkansas



Commission Meeting Called to Order

The Lawrence Human Relations Commission (LHRC) Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Scott Criqui, at 5:32 p.m. in the Carnegie Building, located at 200 West 9th Street, East Gallery Room, Lawrence, Kansas 66044.


Approval of Minutes

Chairman Criqui asked the commissioners if there were any additions or changes on the minutes from the May 15, 2014 meeting, there were none.  Commissioner Welch motioned that the minutes be approved, it was seconded by Commissioner Bloxsom, and all voted in favor.


Receive Staff Report


A. Case Report Update - Ms. Hafoka gave a report on the current Human Relation Cases.

Housing – Familial Status

Housing – Race

Housing – Race, Age, Disability, Gender

Housing – National Origin


Commissioner Dunn asked if this was one case. Ms. Hafoka answered that there are four cases 1. Housing – Familial Status, 2. Housing – Race, 3. Housing – Race, Age, Disability, Gender, 4. Housing – National Origin, but one of the cases is race, age, disability, and gender. Chairman Criqui asked if all the outreach we did was perhaps the reason for all the new cases. Hafoka, gave the dates of when the cases were opened. Dunn asked what the process is to receive cases from HUD. Hafoka answered if a complainant files their case through HUD, they will find out if there is a HUD agency in the location of the complainant and will refer it to that agency, and we then will contact the complainant. The City of Lawrence ordinance only covers within the city limits of Lawrence.


B. National Fair Housing Training Academy

Director Toni Wheeler asked Ms. Hafoka to give a brief overview of the training she attended in July. Hafoka said the training covered the psychological impact of discrimination, conciliation techniques, testing, reasonable accommodation and modification.  The training was one week long.  The instructors have been involved with fair housing since the 1970s.  It was challenging and informative and will aid the division in conducting investigations and facilitating conciliation agreements.


Commissioner Dunn asked Ms. Hafoka to talk more about the psychology portion of the training. Hafoka said the training presented taught that investigators should think about what happened to the complainant and their feelings and emotional distress. The challenge then was to consider the emotional impact and, to conciliate relief which may not always need to be limited to out of pocket expenses. Dunn asked if they talked about the stress on the one being filed against. Hafoka responded as HUD investigators we keep all parties in mind and remain impartial and neutral through the investigation process. Welch asked Hafoka to talk more about the testing, were you all tested? Hafoka said yes we did have a test; but the testing in fair housing goes back to the Respondent - to test the policy to see if it actually happened. Criqui asked did you get some good ideas on how to improve our local Human Relations work? Hafoka said the training was from HUD and the focus was on the Fair Housing Act, and that information will be used.


Ms. Wheeler added the training is high quality and the materials could be made available to commissioners to review.  We are happy to facilitate this. Dunn asked what training they gave over disability. Hafoka said if there is a need for reasonable accommodations and modifications, and the complainant has asked for accommodations/modifications to be made and the landlord denied the request, it may be considered discrimination.


C. Outreach Activities


Festival of Cultures – Sunday, October 12, 2014 (noon to 5) Ms. Wheeler said the Festival of Cultures is coming up on October 12, 2014 and will be held from 12:00 PM to 5:00 p.m. Ms. Wheeler said there is a flyer with information about the event, the LHRD helps to sponsor this event every year. Ms. Parson added we have staffed a table at this event in years past, this is something the commission can discuss if you want to do it again this year. Commissioner Welch asked what we have done in the past. Criqui offered he would send out an email to see who is available for the event and to staff the table.


August Utility Billing insert was in the Utility Department June billing statements to 37,000 utility customers in Lawrence, and gave information on what is the function of the Human Relation Commission and contact information for the division.


Channel 25 - Lawrence Human Relations Commission Ad will run indefinitely a great way to get the word out.


Community Outreach Contact for Brochures and new meeting time Ms. Parson sent out an email to our community outreach contacts to see if they needed more brochures and to make them aware of our new meeting times and location. Ms. Parson also reported that brochures were distributed throughout City Hall.


Complaint Procedure Handbook Revised and Printed Ms. Parson noted that the complaint procedure handbook had been updated and that everyone has a copy to review.


D. Video Production – Ms. Parson asked if Chairman Criqui had any updates on the video, he did not at this time. Ms. Wheeler added the RFP is being drafted, and because Scott Wagner has been out we are short staffed.


Dunn said on page three in the complaint procedure handbook it does not give the times and location of our meeting. Wheeler said the handbook is for those who are considering filing a complaint, not for outreach. Criqui offered that our meeting place and time may change, and the function of the handbook is to educate the public on the complaint process.


Commission Items

Chairman Criqui asked if there were any commission items. None were given.


Public Comment

Criqui asked the public if they had any comments. Ben Cline, Reporter from KNWA News Fayetteville, AR; and John Cumpston, Camera man from KNWA News Fayetteville, AR were in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Commissioner Edwards said you all have been in the news. Mr. Cline said yes we have. Cline said that after a 10 hour meeting last week the anti-discrimination ordinance was passed, and now we are researching how similar ordinances are working in other cities, so we are here in Lawrence, Kansas to talk to you all about the Lawrence Human Relations Commission. Criqui said he was glad to hear that it was passed. Commissioner Edwards added that he had attended a meeting in Roeland Park, Kansas and that the ordinance had passed there also. Criqui said I believe we are going to talk to you after the meeting.


Criqui asked if there was any further comment.



Commissioner Edwards motioned to adjourn, Commissioner Welch seconded, all in favor to adjourn at 5:54 PM.