
City of Lawrence

Fire/Medical Department



David Corliss, City Manager


Chief Bradford, Fire Chief


November 3, 2014


Service to Lawrence and Grant Township During Restricted Access


Please find attached our department’s policy regarding restricted access in Lawrence and Grant Township.  As you know, the City Commission requested that I create a policy in response to concerns of delayed response in areas north of the Kansas River when community events were occurring that could potentially affect response time.


The purpose of this policy is to ensure access and provide fire and medical services to Lawrence and Grant Township areas during restricted access.  This plan is targeted for peak traffic times but may also be implemented based on information or events that would substantially prevent response access.


Fire Medical Department staff have been analyzing appropriate deployment for event management and this policy codifies our successful practices.   For example, in anticipation of the recent Kansas ½ marathon, Fire Medical department staff determined that it was appropriate to place a crew in north Lawrence during the event given possible interference with timely response.


Please let me know if you need any additional information.