City of Lawrence

Lawrence – Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee

September 16, 2014 Minutes




Lisa Hallberg, Erin Paden, Bill Anderson, Justin Eddings, Jacki Becker, David Hamby


Dan Ashley,


Jessica Mortinger, David Cronin, Todd Girdler


Rod Hernandez, Will Penner, Hank Cavagnaro, John Thornburg


1.   Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m. A quorum was present.


2.   Action Item: Approval of the August 19th Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes from August was moved by Bill Anderson, seconded by Justin Eddings and passed unanimously.


3.   Discussion Item: Lawrence Public Library Bicycle Parking

Jessica Mortinger shared the approved site plan’s bicycle parking and the proposed marked up site plan. Ms. Mortinger noted that she has received emails and inquiry about inadequate bicycle parking from a few members of the public. Lisa Hallberg mentioned that she had met with the architects during the design planning for the library and provided comments about bicycle parking at the library.


John Thornburg asked to address the members; he indicated that he requested this item to be considered by the BAC on the agenda. He attended the meeting to express his concerns about the bicycle parking situation, which includes: safety of the location of the parking spaces; lack of public input in the process and public review of the requested changes; lack of response from the planning department; location of the current spaces is for the parking garage and not the library, so he prefers the spaces be installed near the library door; where are the indoor staff bicycle parking spaces in the library that were advertised in the brochure; and how will the bicycle parking spaces accommodate bicycles for limited mobility users (for example: adult tricycles and modified recumbent bikes with three wheels).


The BAC asked what the previous library had to accommodate bicycle parking. Jessica Mortinger shared the Bicycle Parking in Downtown Lawrence Inventory. BAC members expressed concern because the old library design had 41 spaces (as included in the 2010 Bicycle Parking Inventory) and the new Library doesn’t even have that number of spaces. They felt that there hasn’t been adequate bike parking since Day 1 when the new library opened and that there is a greater demand now and there should be far more available spaces.


Jessica Mortinger presented the proposed revisions to the bicycle parking locations. She indicated that it was proposed to remove the parking near the library entry. The library is proposing to move 5 of those racks (10 spaces) now installed near the parking garage entrance to the Kentucky side of the building under the overhang for staff parking. The Library has stated that buying more bike racks is not in their plans now, however it was the idea that the Library/City could in the future add bicycle parking ovals to the meters on the curbside. It isn’t clear who would be responsible for funding this bicycle parking addition or when it might happen. The BAC members agreed that there is not enough bike parking places at the library now and that some of those spaces are not in the best spots for cyclists, especially child cyclists, to use.


Lisa Hallberg indicated that ovals on the meters won’t add as much capacity since the poles are so close to the curb; bicyclists will only be able to park on the sidewalk side and rarely on the side next to parked cars.  Erin Paden indicated that there is conflicting messages about Bicycle Parking in the signs posted in the garage. She also said bicycle parking is a cost effective way to maximize the expensive parking for automobiles inside the garage and the demand exceeds the available capacity in the existing bicycle parking. Bill Anderson indicated when he has visited the library he has taken his bike into the foyer. Other BAC members have seen the public do this also.


Lisa Hallberg indicated that if this is not addressed, the space will be more cluttered when bicyclists have to resort to light poles and trees to find safe places to secure their bicycles and possibly use the railing between the garage and the buildings when installed. BAC members agreed that there are several issues with the bike parking at the library. Justin Eddings asked if the Library could reconsider their landscaping plan and use any of the space between the doors and 7th street for bike parking. BAC members agreed that there could be an alternative that added more parking without interfering with the reading garden.


David Hamby made a motion to recommend the library install both the bicycle parking by the doors as initially proposed on the site plan and the additional ones(5 racks (10 spaces) added to the existing parking in front of the garage and 5 racks (10 spaces) for staff on Kentucky street under the overhang) proposed on the revised drawing.  The recommendation indicated the library/city should also provide additional bicycle parking spaces in the garage where space permits.  The motion was seconded by Lisa Hallberg and passed unanimously.


4.   Discussion Item: Bicycle Safety Follow Up (notes/letter attached)

Jessica Mortinger presented the original letter that BAC sent to City/County Commission and the notes from the Safety meeting. Since the meeting she mentioned that BAC had also received the Crash Reporting presentation from Dan Ashley.  Lisa Hallberg indicated that some of the next steps in the report could be pursued, particularly the Safety perceptions survey. BAC members discussed the possibility of conducting a survey/ public input opportunity around safety perceptions. The members felt that education would be fundamental to creating safer behaviors and decided to focus on completing their bike infrastructure priorities list.


5.   Discussion Item: Celebration Ride

BAC members decided to plan a ride on October 12 in coordination with Octoginta. Bill Anderson indicated he would contact the Lawrence Bicycle Club, and Lisa Hallberg indicated she would make a flyer and route that was about 5 miles to celebrate the new infrastructure on 9th Street.


6.   Discussion Item: Prioritization of Bicycle Infrastructure Improvements (draft list attached/Map link:

BAC members reviewed the list and asked staff to correct a few misplaced lines on the map. BAC members agreed to also add Bicycle Parking to the list of priorities. They generally agreed that besides the built environment, their focus should be placed on education. Bill Anderson indicated that he felt the approved/unfunded traffic calming was a significant addition to the map and a great starting place to explore opportunities for mutually beneficial design. BAC members will continue to work on these priorities and discuss them at future meetings as appropriate.


7.   Other Business/ Updates

Bike/Ped Counts – Jessica Mortinger indicated she needed a few more volunteers to make up some counts due to the weather. Erin Paden, Lisa Hallberg and Jacki Becker volunteered to help.


Safe Routes to Schools – Jessica Mortinger shared the plans for two local events to kick off a SRTS planning process. Ms. Mortinger encouraged BAC members to attend the one hour Why Safe Routes matter presentation on Monday September 29th. The details for both events were presented to the group:


·         Why Safe Routes to School Matters: Public presentation by the National Center for Safe Routes to Schools

7-8 p.m., Monday, Sept. 29; Community Health Facility, Second Floor Meeting Room, 200 Maine Street, Lawrence


·         Safe Routes to School National Course- Register at

8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 30; Community Health Facility, Second Floor Meeting Room, 200 Maine Street, Lawrence


League Certified Instructor Training- Jessica Mortinger indicated that the Lawrence Douglas County Health Department was applying for funding to host a local League of American Bicyclists – League Certified Instructors Course in Lawrence. If awarded, the funding would sponsor 8 volunteers who commit to teaching bicycle education in our local schools and community. Ms. Mortinger asked if any BAC members were interested in becoming League Instructors. Bill Anderson, Justin Eddings, Erin Paden and David Hamby indicated they were interested.


BAC Vacancies –Jessica Mortinger indicated there are two vacancies on the BAC. She asked members to share the online signup ( with individuals interested in serving on the BAC. September 22nd will be the deadline to sign up before names are forwarded to the City and County.


Sunflower Foundation Grant – Jessica Mortinger notified the BAC that the Sunflower Foundation had recently awarded the City of Lawrence funding to build a new 10-foot wide trail by Spring 2015 to connect several existing trails.


9th Street Restripe – David Cronin informed the BAC that the restriping of 9th Street should be completed by the end of the week. Lisa Hallberg thanked Mr. Cronin for the installation of bike lanes in this corridor.


SLT Study- David Cronin let BAC members know they should expect to be asked to comment on the SLT Widening Study that just began. The Study will explore options to provide a 4lane freeway section, review area issues, review current transportation needs, review impacts on current projects and consider interchange configurations.


SLT Trail Reroute – Erin Paden indicated she had been asked to share public dislike for the SLT Trail detour. David Cronin said that the route will change in the coming months as other roads and sidewalk connections are completed. David Hamby reminded BAC members that posting a reroute for bicyclist and pedestrians is an improvement over a facility closed sign. BAC members agreed.


HERE Project to City Commission 9/23 – Jessica Mortinger told the BAC that a project they recently commented on is going to the City Commission on September 23rd.


8.   Public Comments

Hank Cavagnaro asked if the members would introduce themselves. Introductions were made.


9.   Adjournment of Meeting and Announcement of Next Meeting

The meeting ended at 6:20pm. The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for October 21, 2014 at 5PM.