
City of Lawrence

City Manager’s Office



David L. Corliss, City Manager


Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager


October 21, 2014


Casey Toomay, Assistant City Manager


Office furniture purchase


Please place the following item on the consent agenda for October 28, 2014:


Authorize the purchase of office furniture for City Hall office reconfiguration from the State of Kansas contract in the amount of $20,211.72 from DBI. 



With the addition of several positions that will be housed in City Hall, such as the Director of Arts and Culture, a new accounting position, a new position for the IT Department, and bringing the risk management division back into City Hall, additional office space needed to be created and offices shuffled around within the building.  The size of the office space requires office furniture that can meet size constraints. 


Staff has worked with DBI in identifying furniture that will meet the needs of the reconfigured office areas.  DBI has the State of Kansas contract, offering a significant discount.  Local governments are able to purchase off the contract at the discounted rates. 


The office furniture provides desk units, under the counter file cabinets and overhead shelving for six (6) office spaces. 


Recommendation/Next Steps:

Staff recommends that the City Commission authorize this purchase.