City of Lawrence

Lawrence Human Relations Commission

May 15, 2014 – 11:00 AM



Members Present:  Jason Barnhill, Scott Criqui, Bill Welch, James Dunn, Kristen McClure and Kirsten Krug (via teleconference)


Members Excused:  


Members Unexcused:  Sarah Bloxsom


Staff Present:  Scott Wagner, Elizabeth Hafoka and Susan Parson


Public Present:  None



Commission Meeting Called to Order

The Lawrence Human Relations Commission (LHRC) Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Jason Barnhill, at 11:02 a.m. in the City Commission Room at City Hall, located at 6 East 6th Street, Lawrence, Kansas.


Approval of Minutes

Chairman Barnhill asked the commissioners if there were any additions or changes on the minutes from the February 20, 2014 meeting.  Commissioner James Dunn offered clarification to the sentence where it states, “and that we do not want to outreach our authority on any legal issues.” Mr. Wagner said we will change the sentence. Chairman Barnhill said if there are no other changes or additions I move that the minutes be approved, Commissioner Welch seconded, and all voted in favor.


Conduct Election of Chair and Vice Chair of Commission

Chairman Barnhill said he’d like to make a brief statement.  He said he had decided to step down from the commission because of various on-going work commitments. Barnhill said he will still be very involved in equality issues, and that we will see him on the sidelines going forward. Barnhill asked if there were any nominations for Chairman, Commissioner Welch nominated Scott Criqui, Commissioner Edwards seconded, all voted in favor. Commissioner Welch volunteered to be the Vice Chair, Commissioner Edwards seconded, all voted in favor.


Receive Staff Report

Mr. Wagner said Rehelio Samuel passed away this last week. I have his obituary here which I will pass around. Rehelio was the first director of the Human Rights Department, and staff liaison to the commission, he retired a few years ago from the City.  However, for 40 years he was the face of Human Rights issues in Lawrence. We will be sending flowers on behalf of LHRC.


A. Case Report Update

One case closed by conciliation:

Housing – Familial Status.


Two cases open:

Housing – Race, Age, Disability, Gender.

Housing – National Origin.


B. Outreach Activities

Mr. Wagner gave the report:


Fair Housing Month


Mr. Wagner also reported that Commissioner Edwards attended the Human Rights Commission meeting regarding sexual orientation in Roeland Park, Kansas.  Commissioner Edwards attended as someone from the Lawrence Human Relations Commission.   Commissioner Edwards  said at the meeting, the City Attorney from Roeland Park, fielded some questions; it was in a gymnasium which was filled with people. There were concerns about litigation if the ordinance was adopted. Mr. Wagner asked, “Are they going to move forward with the ordinance?” Edwards said he didn’t know for sure. Criqui offered they are voting next week, I’ve been following its progress. Edwards said there was a lot of feedback.


Support for Festival of Cultures – Sunday, October 12, 2014  Noon to 5 PM.

Mr. Wagner continued with the staff report stating that $500.00 will be provided to the Lawrence Alliance for the Festival of Cultures event, which they host every year. It will be held, Sunday, October 12, 2014 from 12:00 to 5 PM. In the past we have staffed a table. The event’s function is centered on cultural diversity education. Criqui said he would like to plan on staffing a table again this year, if there is no objection. No objections were given.


Update on Video Project

Wagner said the subcommittee has run into a snag, because we are not using the in-house video person, we will have to go by the City Purchasing policy, which requires going out for bids for purchases over $1000.00. Staff was directed to move forward with the request for bid process. Wagner said we can put together an RFQ quickly.


There are brochures, pens, and pads for you to take with you to disperse as you are able, please grab some as you go. Commissioner Welch asked if there has to be three quotes on the video project. Wagner responded, yes. Welch said he could email some referrals, Barnhill also said he had a name for a referral. Wagner said that would be great, just go ahead and email their contact information. Wagner asked if there were any other questions. Criqui asked if the ads that were placed in the journal world were online also. Wagner said he was not sure and that he would find out.


Commission Meeting Times

Chairman Criqui said the commission meeting times are an issue. Katherine Pryor will not be able to continue to attend meetings if times do not change, moving after work traditional hours of 8 AM to 5 PM. Commissioner Dunn asked if we would meet here? Wagner said, we could

check on availability for the City Commission Room for evening times on Thursday (none were open). Wagner said perhaps the municipal court room would be available and asked Beth Hafoka what is the court schedule on Thursdays? Beth said, we have trials on Thursday that can run late. Parson offered the Carnegie Building could be a good place.  Barnhill said he feels it’s bad for staff to meet after the work day, like at 6-6:30 PM. I would consider a trial run and then voice your opinion. Maybe doing a 5:15 to 5:30 PM starting time would be easier. Edwards said we don’t get much public participation.  Commissioner Barnhill said when we have issues that are new issues such as transgender issues we have had a packed house. Criqui said 5:30 PM does have some staff concerns, but would be good for getting the public involvement, and commissioner’s availability. Barnhill added you’ll want to start marketing, let me know if I can be of any help. Criqui said maybe we could do an open house with cookies and punch to kick it off. Wagner said we will do some checking on availability of the Carnegie Building, and do some summer inserts to promote the new meeting time. We will contact the commissioners when we find the time and place.


Kansas Open Meetings Act Training

Scott Wagner gave a presentation about the Kansas Open Meetings Act.


Commission Items



Public Comment




Motion to adjourn, Barnhill offered I’d like to make a final comment, in the last 5 years I have learned a lot, when you have projects come around keep them fun and if you need help with any IT things let me know, I am an IT expert. Anything I can do to help. The new Chairman Scott Criqui said on behalf of the commission thank you for your service. Welch motioned to adjourn and Commissioner McClure second, all in favor. Adjourned at 11:56 AM.