City of Lawrence

Lawrence – Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee

July 30, 2014 Minutes




Lisa Hallberg, David Hamby, Erin Paden, Bill Anderson, Jacki Becker, Justin Eddings


Dan Ashley, Chad Foster


Jessica Mortinger, David Cronin


Rod Hernandez, Seokwon Kim


1.   Call Meeting to Order, Introductions and Assurance of Quorum

The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m. A quorum was present.


2.   Action Item: Approval of the June 17 Minutes, June 23 and July 15 Notes (drafts attached)

A motion to approve the minutes and notes from June and July was moved by Bill Anderson,  seconded by Justin Eddings and passed unanimously (6-0).


3.   Discussion Item: Safe Routes to School Letter of Support (draft attached)

Jessica Mortinger asked for any comments on the Safe Routes to School letter that was sent by Lisa Hallberg to meet the SRTS deadline. A motion to approve the letter was moved by David Hamby, seconded by Lisa Hallberg and passed unanimously (6-0).


4.   Discussion Item: 11th & Mississippi Street Project Update (design attached)

David Cronin presented the preliminary development plans for the 11th & Mississippi Street block. David presented features such as raised crosswalks that were integrated as a traffic calming measure, a dedicated left turn lane on Mississippi Street, metered angled parking around the complex, parking within the complex, and traffic/sidewalk widths.  Mississippi Street is categorized as a bike route. Justin Eddings asked if a bigger parking garage could be constructed to avoid the on street parking. Erin Paden asked if there was a requirement within city code for certain types and amounts of parking. Erin Paden questioned whether that block needed that much additional parking. David Cronin said the developer wants the angled parking for retail and guests of the apartments. Lisa Hallberg was concerned about the speed of cyclists coming from 11th on the west side of Mississippi Street. David Cronin said the speed humps on that street would slow down motorists as well as cyclists. Erin Paden liked the speed hump but thought more complete streets elements could be added to encourage bike/ped activity. Jacki Becker and Erin Paden both asked if a 10 foot shared use path could be possible across from Mississippi Street. David Cronin replied saying since the path would have to extend farther in both directions, this would not be possible. Lisa Hallberg asked if reverse angle parking was possible and what would happen to bus parking along Mississippi during KU game days. David said KU and the City had coordinated that buses would still be available on Mississippi during game days. The BAC members agreed they wanted to follow this development’s proposed public improvement plans.


5.   Discussion/Action Item: Bike/Ped Coordination Follow-up (draft attached)

Jessica Mortinger said that Michael Almon had suggested using the word “recommend” at the last meeting, for stronger emphasis on the need for Bike/Ped coordination. She then asked if there was anyone missing on the cc list or any other changes requested. A motion to approve the letter to city officials was moved by David Hamby, seconded by Bill Anderson, and passed unanimously (6-0).


6.   Discussion/Action Item: Prioritization of Bicycle Infrastructure Improvements

BAC members discussed how they wanted to proceed prioritizing these improvements and asked staff for a summary list of improvements at the top of everyone’s list as discussed at a previous meeting. They agreed to work on this item at a future meeting.


7.   Other Business/ Updates

Copies of the Bicycle Rideability Map have been delivered to: Sunflower Bike Shop, Cycleworks, Lawrence – Douglas County Health Department, KU Parking & Transit, the Lawrence Transit Office, KU Recreation Center, Lawrence City Hall, Lawrence Recreation Centers, Lawrence Visitors Center, and Lawrence Central Rotary. Some initial response to the map included changing the status of Bob Billings Parkway on the map and the addition of the Bob Billings Parkway/K-10 interchange. BAC members thanked staff for their work on this project and took maps to help distribute them.


8.   Public Comments

There were none.


9.   Adjournment of Meeting and Announcement of Next Meeting

The meeting ended at 6:05 PM. The Next Meeting is scheduled for August 19, 2014 at 5PM in Eudora, KS.