
City of Lawrence

Planning & Development Services



David L. Corliss, City Manager


Lynne Braddock Zollner, Historic Resources Administrator


August 13, 2014


Supplemental Agreement for the Transportation Enhancement Project for the Breezedale Monuments Restoration


Background on Breezedale Monuments Restoration Transportation Enhancement Project:

The City Commission, on December 11, 2012, approved staff to draft an application for Transportation Enhancement (TE) funding in 2013 for the restoration of the Breezedale Monuments located at the intersection of 23rd Street and Massachusetts Street. The Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization approved supporting these projects’ applications for TE funding at their meeting on January 17, 2013. The City Commission further authorized submission of the Transportation Funding applications at its February 5, 2013 City Commission meeting. In June of 2013, the City was notified by the Kansas Department of Transportation that the TE project for the restoration of the Breezedale Monuments was authorized for TE funding. The City Commission, on December 10, 2013, authorized the Mayor to sign the City/State agreement for the Transportation Enhancement project for the Breezedale Monuments Restoration. 


Project Description

The historic Breezedale monuments are located on the public right of way on the south side of the intersection of Kansas Highway 10/ 23rd Street and Massachusetts Street. This project will remove, repair, and reinstall the metal sculptures, repair and restore the masonry and bench, and replace the lettering on each monument.


Project Changes

During the document production for the project, it was discovered that the monuments had deteriorated beyond the original estimation.  In addition, KDOT changed the way they are processing TE grants. As a result of increased construction costs and KDOT changes, the estimated cost for the project done by Hernly & Associates was $106,228. (The estimates by Hernly include 25% general contractor costs and 5% contingency.)  In addition, KDOT requires an on-site inspector for the construction time for the project.  This was estimated by KDOT to be $12,000.  The City requested additional funding from KDOT as the costs for the project exceeded the anticipated costs by the City due to KDOT requirements.  KDOT capped the project at $106,000 and agreed to pay 80% of eligible costs.  They will also pay 80% of the $12,000 inspection cost.

Below is a table listing the cost estimates for the project.


Original Project Cost and Funding


Revenue Source


Construction Documents (non-eligible expense)



Estimated Construction Cost



Total Project Cost



KDOT Award for 80%

TE Grant


Douglas County Community Foundation Grant



Total Needed From City to Complete Project




The City share of the TE Grant was 20% or $11,000. The 20% match and the construction document costs were paid by the DCCF grant.


The $5,000 for the construction documents was paid for from the City’s Guest Tax Reserve Fund prior to the receipt of the grant from DCCF.


Revised Project Cost and Funding


Revenue Source


Construction Documents (non-eligible expense)



Estimated Construction Cost



Inspection Cost



Total Project Cost



KDOT Award for 80% of Construction Cost Capped at $106,000

TE Grant


DCCF Grant



Paid from the City’s Guest Tax Reserve Fund

City’s Guest Tax Reserve Fund


KDOT 80% of Inspection Cost

TE Grant


Total Needed From City to Complete Project*

City’s Guest Tax Reserve Fund


*The City has asked verification from KDOT that the City’s inspection time can be the match for the on-site inspection. If this is allowed, the total cash needed to complete the project will be $5,246.


Supplemental Kansas Department of Transportation Forms

The next step regarding proceeding with this Transportation Enhancement project is authorization to complete the Supplemental Kansas Department of Transportation forms committing to the match for the project. Legal reviewed and approved the agreement on August 12, 2014.


Action Request

Authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary supplemental Kansas Department of Transportation forms committing the City of Lawrence’s match for the Transportation Enhancement project for the Breezedale Monuments Restoration.