City of Lawrence

Lawrence Sister Cities Advisory Board May 14, 2014 minutes

MEMBERS PRESENT:                                       Jon Josserand, Ken Albrecht, Kathleen Hodge, Kelly Herndon,

Billy Williams, Curtis Barnhill, Michael Kennedy, Carrie Lindsey, Jon Niccum


MEMBERS ABSENT:                                         Dennis Christilles, Tim Bateman, Ione Unruh,


STAFF LIAISON PRESENT:                             


PUBLIC PRESENT:                                              James Hilliard, Melissa McNair, Brian and Angela Heili




Chair Kelly Herndon opened the regular monthly meeting at the City Hall at 5:30 on May 14, 2014.


Meeting Materials Provided:


·         Meeting agenda

·         SCAB draft minutes from 09 April, 2014

·         Tentative program for the Delegation trip to Eutin

Review of Meeting Minutes from March 12, 2014


·         Request to Approve April and May Minutes to be held over until July meeting.

Board Membership

o    Carrie Lindsey is moving to Wichita this Summer but will continue to attend board meetings until her replacement is found.

o    Ione Unruh has resigned from the board for health reasons.

25 Anniversary Print Herndon


·         Large image to be presented to Eutin delegation during official visit. Cost of print to be discussed at a later date.

·         Regarding the smaller prints:

o    Board will pay the initial cost of printing. $2500 for 25 of the smaller prints.

o    10% of the $100 cost per print will be given to the SC scholarship fund.

o    Board will pay ($300) for parger print to be given to the City of Lawrence and to the City of Eutin.

o    Stephen’s fee $1200

o    $4300 total cost

o    Motion to approve spending passed with one objection

o    Josserand objected to motion on the grounds that no effort to use this opportunity to raise scholarship funds was presented to the board for approval.

o    Jon Niccum will investigate who owns the rights to the print.

FoH (Friends of Hiratsuka) / Introduction of 2015 Hiratsuka Chaperones Hilliard


·         Introduction of 2015 Hiratsuka Chaperones, Melissa McNair, Brian and Angela Heili

·         Motion to accept Lori Huftles as Chair and Kevin Boatwright as Treasurer. Motion unanimously accepted by board.

·         Students from Hiratsuka will be in Lawrence from July 24 August 02 2014

FoE (Friends of Eutin) Albrecht


·         Delegation is ready for trip to Eutin. One back out has been replaced.



FoI (Friends of Iniades)


·         No report.

·         Herndon to schedule meeting with Christilles regarding letter to City of Iniades

Scholarship committee Lindsey


·         Meeting on 19 May, will report findings at July board meeting.




Meeting was adjourned at 7pm.