WHEREAS, the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization (L-DC MPO) is designated as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to carry out the Continuing, Cooperative and Comprehensive planning program, including multimodal transportation planning; and,


WHEREAS, the MPO regional transportation planning process is conducted in order to foster the development of a multimodal transportation system for the region that includes several forms of transportation including walking, bicycling, transit ridership, carpooling/ridesharing, freight movements, and automobile travel; and,


WHEREAS, the current Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Lawrence- Douglas County Region (Transportation 2040) includes recommendations for the update and improvement to the region’s multimodal transportation system and recommendations for specific projects that should be made in the foreseeable future to enact those system improvements; and,


WHEREAS, the City of Lawrence and Douglas County have approved the use of the MPO-approved MTP as the transportation chapter of their joint comprehensive plan; and,


WHEREAS, the City of Lawrence has approved a Complete Streets Policy in order to create and maintain streets that accommodate all users; and,


WHEREAS, the MPO has approved the reports for the Multimodal Studies Project (Commuter Park & Ride Study, Fixed Route Transit & Pedestrian Accessibility Study, Countywide Bikeway System Plan) and directed the MPO staff to incorporate the information and recommendations from those study reports into future amendments and/or updates of the MTP as appropriate; and,


WHEREAS, these three studies make recommendations to improve the transportation system in the Lawrence-Douglas County Region and make recommendations specific to the park and ride, transit, pedestrian, and bicycling facilities of the region’s multimodal transportation system; and, 


WHEREAS, the City acknowledges that the studies provide general policy guidance and planning level recommendations but not specific engineered solutions to any specific corridor or location and that any specific transportation improvement must be designed with a number of variables in mind, including, but not limited to, funding constraints, topography and other physical constraints, public interests, etc.; and,


WHEREAS, the City acknowledges that the studies are not intended to establish a list of projects to complete in any certain time period; and,


WHEREAS, the City desires to use the MTP and these Multimodal Studies Reports as guidance for improving the transportation system and make system improvements for all modes as funding allows.


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lawrence City Commission hereby accepts the Multimodal Studies Project Reports as complete and directs City staff  to consult  the Multimodal Studies Reports  in designing, building, and maintaining the multimodal transportation system  in the City.




The Lawrence City Commission hereby approves these actions on this _____ day of ____________ 2014.







Mike Amyx







Diane Trybom

Acting City Clerk