
City of Lawrence

City Manager’s Office



Mayor and City Commission


City Manager, David L. Corliss


June 26, 2014


Change Order for Dehumidifying the Sports Pavilion Lawrence during construction in anticipation of wood floor installation


The contractor for the our new recreation center, Sports Pavilion Lawrence, Gene Fritzel Construction Co. is requesting a cost share on a change order which is recommended by the project architects to improve the dehumidifying of the facility.  Dehumidifying the building is essential before the wood flooring is installed for the courts in the Pavilion.  As outlined in the attachment the City’s total cost exposure would be limited to fifty percent (50%) of the initial cost.   Staff and the architects recommend this action at this time to ensure we meet thresholds for timely and quality installation.


Recommended action:

Approve change order for the Sports Pavilion Lawrence in amount not to exceed $12,350 for dehumidify services during construction.