
City of Lawrence

Parks and Recreation Department



Dave Corliss, City Manager

Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager

Casey Toomay, Assistant City Manager

Ernie Shaw, Interim Director, Parks and Recreation


Mark Hecker, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation


June 16, 2014


Carnegie Building Roof Project


Please include the following item on the City Commission agenda for consideration at the June 24th, meeting:


Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with MTS Contracting for $312,700 to complete the Carnegie Roof Project that was started in 2013.


Project Description

On October 1, 2013, the Parks & Recreation Department received bids for the Carnegie Building Roof Project. Staff recommended accepting the bid provided by MTS Contracting for the wall restoration and roof replacement. However due to starting the project late in 2013, funds were only committed for phases 1 and 2 in the 2013 budget. Phase 2 of the project is scheduled this summer. The proposed project would also fund phases 3 and 4 this calendar year and complete the project as originally planned.


Phase 1 - Fall 2013 (spend approximately $12,500)

1)    Remove the decorative finial on the south wall to prevent it from falling (needs to be done before winter)

2)    Installing temporary caulking in all masonry joints that are cracked and allowing water to penetrate the upper walls (this caulking needs to be removed in the future)

3)    Glue a moisture barrier on the back of the upper walls to prevent water from penetrating the deteriorated brick above the roofing material (this also needs to be removed in the future)

4)    Minor roof patches as needed


Phase2 - Summer of 2014 (spend approximately $100,000)

1)    Rebuild the south upper south wall as specified

2)    Reinstall the decorative finial  


Phase 3 – Fall of 2014 (spend approximately $200,000)

1)    Complete east and west uppers walls

2)    Complete all remaining cap stone work and all remaining wall/flashing repairs


Phase 4 – Fall of 2014 – (approximately $112,700)

1)    Install a new roof on the 1902 portion of the building


Project Review

The roof and parapet wall on the oldest section of the Carnegie Building are in need of replacement or repair to assure the building remains waterproof.  This roof was not part of the 2010 renovation project that was completed on this building.


The restoration of the parapet walls and re-roofing project has been under evaluation for more than a year. Early in 2012, the City paid DGM Consultants to inspect the damage to the roof and the upper parapet walls.  DGM Consultants was involved in the recent rehabilitation of the Douglas County Court House in Lawrence and is well known for its work on historic buildings.  The field report revealed a number of significant issues with the parapet wall that are causing most of the roofing issues. The wall is leaning inward and has a number of openings in the mortar joints, which allows water to penetrate the building.  The moisture has entered the wall and has found its way under the roofing material, causing the failure of the roofing system.  The DGM report has been sent to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for review.  The long-term recommendations for repair of the parapet walls were approved by the SHPO in late 2012.


In the summer of 2012, minor repairs were made to temporarily waterproof the roof. To correct the problem long-term, the report calls for the upper parapet walls to be disassembled, saving the existing bricks and cap stones, rebuilding the wall with concrete blocks and then face it with the original brick and stones.  After the walls are reconstructed, proper flashing and a new roof membrane can be installed to complete the waterproofing of the structure.  At the current time, there are a number of decorative cap stones along the top of the parapet wall that are missing the needed mortar to properly secure them to the wall.  These stones need to be removed in the near future, so they do not fall when high winds occur.  However, their removal will further deteriorate the waterproofing of the wall without completing the necessary restoration stated above. 


All contractors working on the project will have to be preapproved by State Historic Preservation Office with adequate references and experience on historic structures.


We will continue to work with Lynne Zollner, Historic Resources Administrator for the City to assure this renovation project meets all SHPO requirements for this historic structure.


Project Funding

The $312,700 needed to complete the project will be split between sales tax reserve and guest tax reserve.





Action Request

Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with MTS Contracting for $312,700 to complete the Carnegie Roof Project that was started in 2013.  Thank you for your assistance.  Please advise if you have any questions.