City of Lawrence

Lawrence Human Relations Commission

February 20, 2014 – 11:00 AM



Members Present:  Jason Barnhill, Scott Criqui, William Welch, Sarah Bloxsom, James Dunn, Carl Edwards


Members Excused:   Katrina McClure, Katherine Pryor


Members Unexcused:   Kirsten Krug


Staff Present:  Toni Wheeler, Scott Wagner, Elizabeth Hafoka, Susan Parson


Guest: Milton Scott


Public Present:  Bill Larzalere



Commission Meeting Called to Order

The Lawrence Human Relations Commission (LHRC) Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Jason Barnhill, at 11:02 a.m. in the City Commission Room at City Hall, located at 6 East 6th Street, 1st Floor, Lawrence, Kansas.


Approval of Minutes

Chairman Barnhill asked the commissioners if there were any additions or changes to the November 14, 2013 minutes.  There were none given, Vice Chairman Criqui moved to approve the minutes, Commissioner Edwards seconded the motion, and all voted in favor.


Receive Staff Report


A. Case Report Update: Elizabeth Hafoka gave the report

Employment – Gender Identity – alleged unequal treatment; Finding: No Probable Cause


B. Outreach Activities/Fair Housing Month:

Ms. Wheeler introduced Mr. Wagner to give an update on outreach activities:


Lunch and Learn held by the City of Lawrence’s Planning and Development Service Department, November 20, 2013, which was a basic overview of how to become knowledgeable and compliant with The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our Brochures and giveaway items where available at this event.


Utility Billing We had discussed how putting out the insert in the Utility Billing monthly bills while class was in session at KU would be a good opportunity to reach students. Therefore, in February the LHRD insert was sent out to over 36,000 customers in Lawrence.


The LHRD Brochure was translated into Spanish by Centro Hispano and distributed to our community contacts.


Home Show will be on February 21, 2014, our brochures and giveaway items will be available to those attending.


Commissioner Welch offered that the radio station, The Voice of Lawrence, which he is working for, has air time available for LHRC event announcements. Commissioner Welch also offered to interview someone about the Home Show. Welch said he just interviewed Commissioner Criqui about Human Relations functions. Ms. Wheeler said that’s great, thank you for offering that opportunity to speak about LHRC. Do you have it recorded? We will want to get the date of the interview for our Quarterly Report for HUD.


Commissioner Dunn asked where the picture for the insert came from. Mr. Wagner said it is from the National Fair Housing Alliance.


Barnhill asked how often we change the theme to keep it fresh. Wagner said since I have been doing outreach for the LHRD there has been several different inserts. Barnhill asked how we decided on the theme, if it was according to inquiries or complaints filed. Wheeler offered that we had not done any analysis of topics that are more in demand at this time.


Commissioner Criqui asked if the Spanish Brochures were given to Centro Hispano. Mr. Wagner yes, they helped us translate them.


Commissioner Bloxsom said she had a follow up question. The use of HUD money is for housing, but I’m on the employment side of things. There was the one employment case reported on today. What money is there for employment complaints? Ms. Wheeler said there is no grant primarily for employment. The City Commission allocates a certain amount for Human Relations. There are strict restrictions on the HUD grant money.


Fair Housing Month Activities:

  1. April 1st Fair Housing Month Proclamation
  2. Press Release from the City of Lawrence
  3. Tweets from the City of Lawrence Twitter account
  4. Ads in Lawrence Journal World and University Daily Kansan
  5. Housing Authority partnership – Milton Scott
  6. Earth Day – no table last year


Mr. Wagner asked if there were other ideas from the commission. Welch said we could do a Fair Housing Hour and staff and/or commissioners could be interviewed over certain topics pertaining to Fair Housing month. Wheeler said staff could help put together some ideas for the program and let Mr. Welch know.  Chairman Barnhill asked if there would be any cost, and that we do not want to outreach our authority on any legal issues. Commissioner Welch said there would be no cost.


Mr. Wagner introduced Milton Scott to speak and offer some ideas for discussion. Mr. Scott said that Mr. Wagner and he had discussed the need to expand and some possible options for a continued partnership with the Housing Authority. Mr. Scott continued by talking about the impact of the proposed rule to receive federal funds from HUD. Scott discussed looking at current assessments on issues such as homelessness, and planning ahead about how to keep funding. We have partnered in the past with the LHRC we want to see about continued partnership activities with others who have the same direction, to engage the community, and cast a larger net. We have come up with the slogan ALL IN. Our mission then will be that Lawrence is an open community for ALL, which will be a four part series. We envision having bracelets, buttons, banners, and posters to give to businesses that will support our mission. Educating the public – knowledge is power – making sure citizens are aware of their benefits, rights and responsibilities, so that citizens are aware of what is going on in their community. There will be demographic assessments sent out and we will need to have a plan in place to overcome these issues. The plan that we propose is to involve Baker University, KU, and Haskell University in a marketing campaign, series 2 we will get K-12 students involved in an ongoing process of engaging the youth of our community in our mission ALL IN, all included. This will enable us to cast that larger net.


Welch asked if his plan included social media, Scott replied it will be one step at a time until we hammer out the proposal. Bloxsom asked how this is evaluated, where do the demographic numbers come from, Federal? How is this monitored, are we in charge of evaluating ourselves? Scott replied we can get someone from HUD to explain what the analysis means. Bloxsom said if we have to do the study that could cost money, is this a law, or a proposal? Scott said this is pertaining to the HUD proposed rule. Wagner added at the August 2013 meeting of the Human Relations Commission, it was shared that HUD proposed a new rule. It covers those agencies who have been awarded HUD grants. Thye will have to have a Fair Housing plan.  The proposed rule is out there but there are no implementation dates at this time. Milton is getting a jump start. Criqui addressed Scott and said first of all, thank you for this proposal there are some great ideas. What kind of money are we talking about and what are the steps? Wheeler said in this proposal we would partnered with the Housing Authority, and would plan on how to cooperate with regulations. There is no obligation at this time, but we are trying to plan ahead, I do think there is great merit in the proposal Mr. Scott has presented. As we consider this proposal, we will first want to make final decisions about Fair Housing Month, and social media outlets, in the future meetings we can make decisions on how to move forward. Budgetary decisions are passed down from the City Commission. Scott offered these are ideas and presented to see if you are interested in going down this road with us and work together. Barnhill said there are some very good ideas, there are several ways I can think of to add to this proposal in more technical ways, using a combination of ideas to get the word out. Bloxsom said especially getting students involved is a great idea, but if we are making recommendation to the City Commission for funds, how have we done outreach in the past? To have power behind a good idea, and how do we measure the outcomes. Barnhill said my opinion is right now we need to brain storm on what Mr. Scott has proposed, and how to reach out via radio, how effective it will be, email correspondence, figure out what is feasible, have data to support the ideas. Criqui said this is just a proposal at this point, for now we need to focus on Fair Housing Month. Barnhill said I want to put to a vote to work with this partnership with the Housing Authority. All in favor? All commissioners present voted in favor. Staff please pursue partnership with the Housing Authority.


Ms. Wheeler said we will proceed as in the past for April’s Fair Housing Month including a radio interview with Mr. Welch.


Vice Chairman Criqui made a motion to continue not doing Earth Day. All voted in favor.


C. HUD Grant/Expenditures

Ms. Wheeler proceeded to give the Expenditures report the HUD grant for FY2012 was $17,620.00 and $17,568.00 for FY2013. Our expenditures are laid out as follows (note attached report). Ms. Wheeler said I will stand for any questions now. Barnhill asked if there were any questions from the commissioners or from the public. Mr. Larzalere asked if we can request an increase of the grant so you can have more investigators. Wheeler said the grant is awarded based on how many housing investigations we successfully complete. And for employment cases the funding is supplied by the City of Lawrence by funds allocated by the City Commission because this is and continues to be a priority to them. Criqui offered that he wanted to thank the City Commissioners for making Human Relations a continued priority. Criqui continued, it appears we are currently using grant funds for 13% of the investigator’s salary, my question is how do we determine what percentage of grant funds goes towards paying salaries? Wheeler said as the Executive Director I make an assessment based on their other duties, less than 15% is reasonable; we are audited each year by HUD and we have been found to be in compliance, they are satisfied with these numbers. Barnhill said there is less manpower because there are fewer funds. Wheeler said that is correct, the cut back in revenue is not keeping up with the expenditures. When the Human Relations department folded into the City Attorney’s Office some positions were eliminated and some of the duties were given to my office. The City Commission continues to support and has found important the work of the Human Relations division, and wants the public to have available to them the protections of Chapter 10 and to have a place to submit their complaints, and supports these efforts within the Cities resources. Barnhill said we appreciate their efforts. Dunn said the LHRD receives reimbursement for housing investigations, correct? What amount is reimbursement and how much grant money. Wheeler said about $10,000 reimbursement for successfully completed investigations, they have strict guidelines, and about $5,000 grant. If employment no funding from HUD at all. Mr. Larzalere asked do you apply every year. HUD looks back and awards the grant, is there anything stopping you from applying for more funding? Wheeler said we submit our proposal every year. Larzalere said maybe you need to find out what funding do you get compared to Salina and Olathe? Barnhill said to what end? Larzalere said now that the Human Relations Office is gone maybe for legitimate reasons, is the Cities priority also gone for Human Relations? Barnhill said I don’t see how having those comparisons will help anything. Larzalere said I think it will be interesting to see the numbers. Wheeler said I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding the City of Lawrence spends more than just the 13% from the HUD grant for the Human Relations Division. The City of Lawrence City Commissioners have directed each year that the division is to be a priority in our community to educate and that the citizens of Lawrence know their rights. I do know that Olathe’s Human Relations office also folded into their legal department and they now have one employee who handles all the duties of that department. Dunn added HUD is housing only. Wheeler said any employment complaints are paid for entirely by the City of Lawrence. Barnhill concluded I do not see a reason for us to look up this data and I am not going to move that staff research this information, I will offer to help you find it if you would like. Criqui said is this public information? Yes, it was concluded it is.


D.  Commission Meeting Times

Ms. Wheeler asked if the current day and time works for everyone or was there any consideration by the commission to hold it at another time? Criqui said are there other days or evenings that work better, evenings would be better if public wanted to attend. Barnhill added lets table it for now and consider it at our next meeting.


E.  Commission Officer Elections – May

Ms. Wheeler gave a reminder elections will be at our next meeting May 15, 2014 at 11 AM, here in the City Commission Room.


Also invitations were mailed out for the Advisory Board Appreciate Reception, it will be held on Thursday, March 6, 2014 from 5 – 7 PM. At the Cider Gallery. If you are able to attend please RSVP by March 3rd at the City Manager’s Office, with Bobbie Walthall.


Commission Items


Lawrence In-Focus Video Subcommittee Report

Vice Chairman Criqui gave and update on the subcommittee’s meeting. At our meeting held on 12/9/2013 we gave direction to staff to find out about additional videos and what kind of budget we have. These videos would target on specific classes. Commissioner Welch motioned for staff to be directed to find out about additional videos and budget. Chairman Barnhill seconded, and all were in favor. Ms. Wheeler added that Megan Gilliland is very busy with staff but is making progress. Wagner said you can see Elizabeth Hafoka on the new video that is out for the City Prosecutor’s Office.


Barnhill said there is a House Bill that is currently under consideration for the State of Kansas. I thought we would have Commissioner Criqui give an update on it. Criqui said that House Bill 2453 Religious Freedom has come around in different forms over the years, basically to eliminate gay and lesbian agendas. The bill is currently dead.


Barnhill said I would like for us to do some brain storming on what Mr. Scott has presented today and discuss what we think would be good events for us to pursue.


Chairman Barnhill asked if there were any further comments? Commissioner Dunn said there is a big work day coming up for KU students on April 12th. Wagner added, yes it used to be called the United Way Spring Day of Caring.  It is now called the KU Big Event. Barnhill asked if everyone has contact information for the commissioners, Criqui added but not for two way communication. Barnhill asked again if there were any further comments. There were none.


Public Comment






Chairman Barnhill moved to adjourn at 12:20 PM, all in favor.