
City of Lawrence

Public Works



Charles F. Soules, P.E, Public Works Director


Mark Thiel, Assistant Public Works Director




Public Works Street Division Staff builds Downtown Shot Put field


For the fourth year the Lawrence Sports Corporation held its annual elite men’s shop put competition downtown in the intersection of 8th Street and New Hampshire Street. This year the weather was perfect for and outdoor event.


On Friday, April 18, 2014 Public Works Department Street Division crews began the construction of an outdoor shot put sector that would be used by 8 of the world’s best shot put competitors. This distinguished group consisted of individuals whom have won Olympic medals and world championships.


This year approximately 2,500 to 3,000 spectators viewed the competition which resulted in some near record puts (throws). In partnership with Time Warner Cable and ESPN 3 the event was broadcast throughout the United States; providing Lawrence with national exposure. The winning put of 21.36 meters or 70’ 1” was by Christian Cantwell, a 2008 Olympic Silver Medalist. This remains the only shot put event that is held outside of a traditional track and field venue within the United States.


By 7:30 am the next morning the entire sector was removed and the intersection back open. The donated materials used to build the sector will be reused to pave the Kansas River levee trail.


The attached photo log shows crews working to complete the sector. This year we also ran a time lapse video of the set up and event. It can be viewed using the following link.


Thanks to Public Works crews this was another successful year for the downtown shot put event.