City of Lawrence

Lawrence – Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee

March 18, 2014 Minutes




Lisa Hallberg, Chris Rogge, Erin Paden, Bill Anderson, David Hamby


Dan Ashley, Justin Eddings, Chad Foster Jacki Becker,


Jessica Mortinger


Dan Dannenberg


1.   Call Meeting to Order, Introductions and Assurance of Quorum: The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.


2.   Discussion/Action Item: Bicycle/Pedestrian Advocacy Groups meetings and updates

Ms. Mortinger asked BAC members who had attended meetings to provide an update. Mr. Rogge and Ms. Paden shared that they had attended the Lawrence Pedestrian Coalition and after some discussion, the group came to an agreement that they would be interested in discussing common interests and suggested that safety would be a common ground. Ms. Mortinger indicated that staff would work with Charlie Bryan, Health Department Staff, to discuss a plan for a coordinated meeting. Ms. Mortinger noted that the Pedestrian Coalition members and the LiveWell Lawrence Built Environment Work Group both asked the BAC members if they would be willing to discuss the possibility of revised BAC bylaws for a joint bicycle/pedestrian committee. Particularly it was new information to the BAC members that the City had denied the request to create a Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Ms. Paden shared some of the information she had about bicycle/pedestrian committees and groups from the United States. BAC members briefly discussed the pros and cons of a formal committee versus a third party advisory group.  Mr. Anderson asked Ms. Mortinger to follow-up about the details and location for setting up a tent on Earth Day.


3.   Discussion Item: Bike Rideability Map

Ms. Mortinger explained to BAC members the process for updating the map and the layers that will be used to create the new map. Ms. Mortinger explained the LOS analysis in the Countywide Bikeway Plan would be used to expand the levels of comfort throughout Douglas County.  BAC members provided edits to the map that the MPO staff will make changes to. Ms. Mortinger said once the GIS work was complete, BAC members would have one final review of the document. If the new map isn’t printed yet but is done in time to publish online, staff will make or revise business cards with the web address of the new map to hand out at the bike helmet fairs/earth day events.  Ms. Mortinger told the BAC that letters for financial support had been sent to local businesses to raise money to print 5,000 copies of the map.


4.   Other Business/ Updates

There was none.


5.   Public Comments

Mr. Dan Dannenberg shared a list of suggested safety measures for bicyclists with the BAC members, including riding visibly (wearing reflective clothing and using lights), riding only on bicycle routes or streets lightly traveled by motor vehicles, riding with caution and sharing paths with pedestrians (particularly announcing passing with a bell or audible “passing on your left” command, obeying traffic signals and rules, and wearing a helmet.   BAC members discussed some of the issues with Mr. Dannenberg citing that many of the suggestions provided were counter to state law.


6.   Adjournment of Meeting and Announcement of Next Meeting

The meeting ended at 6:40 p.m. The Next Meeting is scheduled for April 15, 2014 at 5PM.