City of Lawrence

Lawrence – Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee

March 11, 2014 Minutes




Lisa Hallberg, Chris Rogge, Chad Foster, Jacki Becker, Erin Paden, Bill Anderson, Justin Eddings


Dan Ashley, David Hamby


Jessica Mortinger, Todd Girdler


David Ruhlen, Stephen Mason


1.   Call Meeting to Order, Introductionsand Assurance of Quorum: The meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m. A quorum was present and introductions were made.


2.   Approval of the February 18, 2014 Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes from the February 18, 2014 meeting was moved by Ms. Hallberg seconded by Mr. Rogge and passed unanimously (5-0).


3.   Discussion/Action Item: Multimodal Studies  (

Ms. Hallberg introduced the Countywide Bikeway System Plan for approval by the BAC by detailing the amount of work and public involvement that went into the development of the plan. Mr. Foster suggested that the projects be prioritized for implementation. Members agreed the plan included a plethora of projects that should be prioritized. Mr. Anderson asked if any of the projects had obligated funding besides the 6th & Iowa Shared Use Path implementation. Ms. Mortinger indicated that some of the sharrow and bike lane markings would be implemented with the 2014 Lawrence Street Maintenance Program as well as some additional bike lane segments on Wakarusa and 9th Street. Ms. Mortinger also mentioned that the recent TA application proposed the SUP related to the Burroughs Creek Trail to Constant Park connection. Ms. Becker asked about the current SRTS efforts. Mr. Tilden indicated that the Lawrence- Douglas County Health Department staff has committed to applying for Phase 1 SRTS funding in 2014 and is working with Lawrence Public Works and the MPO to coordinate efforts. A motion was made by Ms. Hallberg to approve the Countywide Bikeway System Plan as presented; the motion was seconded by Mr. Rogge and passed unanimously (7-0).


4.   Discussion/Action Item: Bicycle/Pedestrian Advocacy Groups meetings and updates

Ms. Mortinger provided BAC members with a list of the committees and their meeting times. The BAC members assigned themselves to responsibilities of attending the meetings to begin the conversation. Ms. Mortinger also provided members a list of the bicycle encouragement and education events in April and members indicated which events they could attend.


5.   Discussion Item: Bike Rideability Map

Ms. Mortinger explained to BAC members the process for updating the map and the layers that will create the new map. BAC members discussed the purpose of the Rideability Map and the other maps and encouragement tools that other cities use. As soon as a combined map can be made, MPO staff will send it out to BAC members. Next week’s meeting will collect the comments and decide on changes to the map. At the same time, Staff will be working with the Lawrence City Manager’s Office to solicit funding to print a paper map.


6.   Other Business/ Updates

Ms. Mortinger and Ms. Becker shared the opportunity for the BAC members to submit a letter of support for the City of Lawrence’s application to the Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council to provide study, design and implementation of a system of historical markers and way-finding for the Lawrence Cultural District. Members reviewed the request letter and agreed that all the ongoing synergies around this area and these connections were supportive of encouraging active transportation. A motion was made to submit a support resolution from the BAC by Mr. Foster, seconded by Ms. Hallberg and passed unanimously (7-0).


Ms. Hallberg noted that the Tour of Lawrence would be hosted in Lawrence on June 27-29th.


7.   Public Comments

There was none.


8.   Adjournment of Meeting and Announcement of Next Meeting

The meeting ended at 6:09 p.m. The Next Meeting is scheduled for March 18, 2014 at 5PM.