
City of Lawrence

Police Department



David Corliss, City Manager


Tarik Khatib, Chief of Police


Cynthia Wagner, Assistant City Manager


Diane Stoddard, Assistant City Manager


Diane Trybom, Acting City Clerk


Casey Toomay, Budget Manager


Ed Mullins, Finance Director


Bobbie Walthall, Executive Secretary


Captain Adam Heffley


April 11, 2014


April 22, 2014 City Commission Meeting



The Police department SAN Server storage device will reach the end of the device’s manufacturer supported life on August 19, 2014.  Once the expiration date has passed, Dell will no longer support this device or any of the other systems attached to it. The device is an integral part of the VMWare infrastructure that houses over 40 of the Department’s virtual servers.  A majority of those virtual servers are essential to daily operations. 



The department needs to replace the outdated and aged server with the device outlined in the attached quote from Eagle Software, which services our systems. The quote includes upgrade and maintenance cost for the server for the following three years. The quoted price is equal to the state contracted price and is from a vendor who currently provides services for many of our systems.



The necessary funds to cover the costs of purchase of SAN server, outlined in the attached quote, have been identified in the Equipment Line Item #001-2-2110-6005. This line item was previously designated to address equipment needs within the department.


Action Requested

Police Department staff requests approval from the City Commission to authorize the purchase of the Dell Server as quoted at the state contracted price in the attached document totaling $39,094.50.