March 25, 2014


To: David Corliss, City of Lawrence

Re: Free State Film Festival – Request for Transient Guest Tax Funds

On behalf of the Lawrence Convention and Visitors Bureau, I am pleased to endorse the $20,000 request by the Lawrence Arts Center to the City of Lawrence for city services to support of the Free State Festival through transient guest tax funds.

The Free State Film Festival will generate thousands of visitors to downtown Lawrence over a five day period, including the potential for substantially increasing overnight stays at all of Lawrence’s hotel properties.  An investment by the City in support of the festival will provide an immediate return on investment in generating sales and guest taxes while building and growing this new annual tradition – similar to the iconic South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas --  for attracting community members, artists, performers and academicians from around the world.

A $20,000 investment will ensure the highest quality of city services and a successful launch of what will become a keystone visitor attraction in Lawrence. Thank you for considering support for this request. 

Cordially –


Frederick P. Conboy

President/CEO Destination Management, Inc.