
City of Lawrence

Utilities Department



David L. Corliss – City Manager

Cynthia Wagner - Assistant City Manager

Diane Stoddard - Assistant City Manager


Nicholas Hoyt – I/I Manager


Dave Wagner – Director of Utilities

Mike Lawless –  Deputy Director of Utilities

Philip Ciesielski – Assistant Director of Utilities

Beth Krishtalka – Assistant to Director


March 24, 2014

RE:           Agenda ItemSet Proposal Due Date for R1404 - UT1415 Emergency Sanitary Sewer Repair and Authorize Staff to Negotiate with Selected Project Team.


Please include the following item on the City Commission agenda for consideration at the March 25, 2014 meeting:

Authorize staff to set proposal due date for R1404 - UT1415 Emergency Sanitary Sewer Repair and to negotiate with selected project team.


Project Background

In the alley between the 1000 block of New York and Connecticut Street, there is a parallel 48 inch brick storm sewer adjacent to an 8 inch VCP sanitary sewer.  The sewers were constructed in approximately 1932 at similar flow line elevations and with less than 2 feet of horizontal separation.  The City recently discovered sanitary sewer service connections passing through the storm sewer to connect to the sanitary sewer as shown in the attached map. The service connections are broken in the storm sewer causing sanitary flow to discharge into the storm sewer and a cross connection between the two sewers.  It is believed there are 6 houses directly connected to the storm sewer and four cross connection locations. 


Project Description

Staff is proposing to contract with a qualified project team for professional design and construction services to complete the emergency repair.  The project team will include a profession engineer and general contractor qualified to design and construct sanitary and storm sewer public improvements. A time and materials delivery method is requested for this project.  Engineering and construction personnel will collaborate with City staff to develop an agreed upon solution similar to a design build project delivery. Project construction will begin as soon as practical and continue expeditiously until completion.





Project Schedule

City Commission Approval to Advertise RFP                   March 25, 2014

Responses to RFP Due                                     April 4, 2014                     

Utility Construction Complete                                      June 15, 2014

Final Project Completion                                   July 15, 2014


Project Funding

The project will be funded by the 2013 bond allocation.


Action Request:

Authorize staff to set proposal due date for R1404 - UT1415 Emergency Sanitary Sewer Repair and to negotiate with selected project team.


Thank you for your assistance. Please advise if you have any questions.