
City of Lawrence

Public Works Department



Charles Soules, Public Works Director


Mark Thiel, Assistant Public Works Director


Steve Bennett, Captain Adam Heffley, Teri Pierce


January 16, 2014


Library Parking Garage Change Order, Addition of Alternate Bid #1 for Parking Control and Security Cameras



Please include the following item on the City Commission Consent Agenda for consideration at the January 28, 2014 meeting.


Project Description/History

Bids for the library/parking garage project were received and opened at City Hall on October 30, 2012. BA Green, the City’s construction management firm, and Gould Evans evaluated the bids and recommended a bid package totaling $5,274,345. This amount is in keeping with the project budget ($18 million voter approved debt issuance).


On November 20, 2012 the Commission awarded the base bid for the library parking garage for $5,274,345. Since that time the garage is well under way to completion. After further discussion with the City Manager’s Office, Police Department, Parking Control Office and Public Works it has been determined that parking access management and security cameras are a needed element in the new garage.


Access management will allow the garage to be fully utilized. Access management was an option/ alternate of the original bids that were received on October 20, 2012. We have since met with the low bidder (Fisher Parking) and negotiated a scope that we believe will meet the needs of the garage and the community.


Parking Structure and Fees

Parkers will be able to enter/exit the garage from Vermont St. and Kentucky St. The 10 hour parking stalls will cost $1.00 per 10 hours or be capable of utilizing a 10 hour permit. Payment will be via a pay on foot station (POF). There will be two POF stations located in the garage; one at each exit. The 2 hour free parking will not require the use of the POF stations. Enforcement of the garage parking will be similar to the River Front and New Hampshire garages.


The garage has four levels and will be fee based on the following chart:


Lowest level (south side)

10 hour pay or permit

1st north, 1st south, 2nd north

2 hour free

2nd south, 3rd north, 3rd south

10 hour pay or permit

4th north, 4th south (top deck exposed)

10 hour free


Project Funding

The addition of alternate bid #1 break down as follows:


Access Control Equipment & Installation


Security Camera Equipment & Installation


Electrical - estimated


B A Green fee 2.5%





Funding will be from the Parking Reserve Fund.


Action Request

  1. Authorize the City Manager to add alt bid #1 for parking control access management and security camera equipment to the original base bid contract through BA Green, with a not to exceed cost of $68,488.96.
  2. Approve the parking fee structure for the garage.