City of Lawrence

Lawrence Human Relations Commission

August 15, 2013 – 11:00 AM



Members Present:  Jason Barnhill, James Dunn, Scott Criqui, Katrina McClure, and Katherine Pryor


Members Excused: None 


Staff Present:  Scott Wagner and Susan Parson


Public Present:  None



Commission Meeting Called to Order

The Lawrence Human Relations Commission (LHRC) Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Jason Barnhill, at 11:07 a.m. in the City Commission Room at City Hall, located at 6 East 6th Street, Lawrence, Kansas.


Acceptance of Agenda

Chairman Barnhill asked the commission if there were any additional agenda items for consideration.  No additional items were offered. 


Approval of Minutes

Chairman Barnhill asked for comments on the commission minutes from the May 16, 2013 meeting.  No comments, changes or additions were offered. Commissioner Criqui moved to approve the minutes, Commissioner Pryor seconded the motion, all voted in favor.


Receive Staff Report

Scott Wagner gave the staff report. He informed the commissioners that Ms. Wheeler was unable to attend due to a mediation she was attending, and that Elizabeth Hafoka was in court.


A. Case Report Update

Closed Cases (since last meeting) –

1.    Housing Case – National Origin (American) – alleged unequal treatment; successfully conciliated.

2.    Employment – Sex (Female) – alleged hostile work environment; forwarded to EEOC because of conflict of interest.


Open Cases –

1.    Employment – Race (African American) – alleging unequal treatment; investigation is ongoing.

2.    Employment – Gender Identity  – alleging unequal treatment; investigation is ongoing.

3.    Housing – (Age, Race, Disability) – alleging unequal treatment; investigation is ongoing.


Mr. Wagner reported that Ms. Hafoka successfully completed “Week Two: Investigations” at the National Fair Housing Training Academy in July. Commissioner Dunn asked how many training sessions are available. After reviewing the training information staff has found there are 5 weeks of training and many other training classes available.


Mr. Wagner also handed out a flyer for the “Bringing Kansas Home” 2013 Kansas Housing Conference. Commissioner Dunn said he would be attending. Also, Mr. Wagner announced about the live tweets going out in July about the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.


B. Outreach Activities

June utility billing insert

A flyer with basic information about the Lawrence Human Relations functions was placed in all utility customers statements in June. Mr. Wagner reported that in the past we have done this in June and will continue to do so unless there are other ideas. Commissioner Criqui offered that September may be better because the students will be in town. Scott Wagner will do some checking on this and consider changing the months.


City-KU Good Neighbor Outreach

Two thousand Human Relations Brochures and USB Chargers (with LHRC contact information on them) will be dispersed in the Oread neighborhood on Thursday, September 5 to promote good relations over the school year.


Support for Festival of Cultures – Sunday, September 15, 2013 at 12:00 to 5:00 PM

Mr. Wagner reported that in the past the LHRC has supported this event by donating $250.00 and by setting up a table and providing brochures and giveaway items. Chairman Barnhill said that he would start the volunteer list. Mr. Wagner said that he would get the table reserved for the event.


C. Proposed HUD Rule to further Fair Housing

Mr. Wagner provided for the commissioners the Department of Housing and Urban Development “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing; Proposed Rule”. It is a 50 page document published in the Federal Register on July 19, 2013.  HUD is proposing changes to promote the furthering of Fair Housing goals and is taking comments on the proposed rules.


Commission Items

Chairman Barnhill asked if there were any items to discuss. Mr. Criqui said he did his own impromptu outreach at the Lawrence Association of Neighborhoods at the July monthly meeting. Commissioner Criqui gave a brief overview of what the Lawrence Human Relation Commission does.


Commissioner McClure asked for brochures for an event at the Kansas Union next Friday, August 23, 2013.  The commission will share a table with the KU Student Farm group that Commissioner McClure will staff. The event is geared toward KU freshman.


Commissioner Criqui also brought up an event that the Trans Kansas organization will be putting on, September 7th through the 9th. The focus will be on transitioning into the workplace and family life. Chairman Barnhill asked if Mr. Criqui could provide an email with information on the event.


Chairman Barnhill asked if everyone had received the article sent out prior to the commission meeting. He encouraged the commission to send out articles and information as they come across them in their readings. Examples may include such topics as how other states deal the various issues the LHRC work with. Commissioner Pryor agreed that this was a great idea.


Commissioner Dunn offered that he attended the Community Sidewalk LPC pedestrian coalition. The focus of the group was accessibility for sidewalks for wheelchair bound individuals. Commissioner Criqui asked who for the City handles ADA issues.  Mr. Wagner said Tammy Bennett would be the contact at the City, especially for Public Works and for Transit routes those are determined by DOT guidelines, Bob Nugent is the director of the Transit system.


Commissioner Dunn let the commission know the Coalition for Homelessness has an event for the fall focusing on housing and changes in funding for people.


Chairman Barnhill asked if there were any other items to discuss. Mr. Wagner did offer that Susan Parson has started doing intake interviews for individuals interested in starting the complaint process. Mr. Dunn asked Ms. Parson if there had been an increase in complaints. Ms. Parson said, “We are seeing more with all of the moving in and out of students and lease changes, a lot of landlord tenant issues.”


Public Comment




Commissioner Criqui moved to adjourn at 11:50 a.m. Commissioner Pryor seconded the motion and all were in favor.