
City of Lawrence

City Manager’s Office



Mayor and City Commissions


City Manager David L. Corliss


November 21, 2013


2013 City Employee Longevity Payments


I am pleased to recommend to the Commission that it proceed with the full funding of the longevity payments for eligible City employees this year.   My recommendation is based not only on the great service that our employees continue to provide for our community, but also based upon on our ability to successfully execute most of our budgetary goals for 2013.  Our current 2013 budget forecasts indicate that our expenditures will exceed our revenues in the General Fund.   Both total revenue and expenditures are performing close to budgeted levels, however, we have encumbered some unplanned funding such as the loan to Lawrence Community Shelter which was not budgeted.  We still should meet our fund balance policy parameters in 2013, and as the Commission is aware, we are accomplishing a number of important goals and projects on behalf of the community.


Background on the recommended longevity payments is attached.