City of Lawrence

Sales Tax Audit Committee

June 7, 2013 minutes     




Ted Boyle, Jon King, Charlie Sedlock, Timothy Bateman




David L. Corliss, City Manager

Casey Toomay, Budget Manager




The meeting was called to order.


The committee reviewed the minutes from the meeting on November 29, 2012.  A motion was made to approve the minutes by King.  It was seconded by Bateman.  The motion passed 4-0.  


Toomay walked the committee through the draft 2012 annual report.  Corliss explained that while none of the proceeds of the 0.05% sales tax have been spent, the City plans to use some of it to fund a permanent transfer station.  He is also recommending it be used to help support operations of the K-10 Connector service. 


Two changes to the report were discussed.  First, the fund balance of the Transit Fund should be added to the report.  Second, the report needs to include transit funds that were left in the general fund to help pay for bus cut out lanes.


A motion was made by King to forward the annual report, with the discussed changes, to the City Commission.  It was seconded by Bateman.  The motion passed 4-0.


Corliss provided an update on projects underway or planned for 2013.  Major projects include reconstruction of Iowa, from Harvard Road to the Irving Hill overpass and Bob Billings Parkway, from Iowa to Crestline.  Construction on the Maple Street Pump Station project is still expected to begin in 2013. 


Corliss also discussed projects planned for 2014.  Work on the Maple Street Pump Station will continue, and work will begin on Bob Billings Parkway, from Wakarusa to Foxfire as well as Wakarusa, from Inverness/Legends to Oread West. 


The committee scheduled the next meeting for November 7 at MV Transportation. 


A motion to adjourn was made by King and seconded by Boyle.  The motion passed 4-0. 


The meeting was adjourned at 2:30.