City of Lawrence

Lawrence Sister Cities Advisory Board

April 10, 2013 Approved Minutes



Jon Josserand, Ken Albrecht, Dennis Christilles, Michael Kennedy, Mark Daly, Jon Niccum, Kelly Herndon, Ione Unruh, Curtis Barnhill, Billy Williams, Brad Allen, Kathleen Hodge


Mark Daly, Stacey VanHouten


Cynthia Wagner


James Hilliard


Chair Josserand opened the regular monthly meeting in the city commission chambers at City Hall at 5:35 on April 10, 2013.



Reviewed subcommittees meeting regarding By-laws and procedures

The subcommittee recommends several changes – soon to be typed up and distributed to the board for review



Made a motion to approve the March minutes with corrections.  The motion was seconded and the minutes were approved.


Membership update- two new members recently joined each joining at $100

Discussion ensued regarding whether the Friends groups should have a voting member on the board, or just an advisor without voting privileges. 


Discussed the need for strong trip budgeting, and accounting of all expenditures


FOI (Friends of Iniades) – Christilles

Mayor Schumm and commissioner Dever will travel to Iniades May 17-24

FoI meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 23 at 7:00 PM at the Unruh’s house/916 W. 20th Terr.


FOH (Friends of Hiratsuka) – Hilliard


Student Delegation

Check was submitted to Travel Leaders to purchase airline tickets for Hiratsuka trip.  Fourteen tickets in total were purchased.


The next Student Delegation trip preparation meeting is April 27th- 9:00 am -12:00 noon. Fire station #5-Jayhawk Room.  Students have finalized their trip shirt design and have choreographed their performance. The summer performance will be their interpretation of the song “Singing in the Rain.


March meeting several students presented their PowerPoint researched Japanese topic to their fellow travel mates.  Topics for the month were Japanese music, fashion and religion.  Great topics presentations.


Erika Norikami’s Tuesday evening Language and Culture classes continue.  Adults and students welcome. Next scheduled meeting dates and place:  Meeting time 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm


April 9th        Fire station #5-Jayhawk Room

April 16th       South Middle School

April 23rd       Fire station #5-Jayhawk Room

April 30th       Fire station #5-Jayhawk Room


Friends of Hiratsuka –General Open Meeting April 6th -10:00 am-12:00 noon – Fire station #5-Jayhawk Room.


General discussion concerning the time frame and proposed amendments that were submitted to the board from the Ted Kuwana (ad hoc committee).  Jon Josserand reported that the board has not yet acted on the proposals that were submitted.  Friends group would like to conduct elections to complete its rotation of officers.  Jon reported that a suggestion was made that the Friends groups’ election cycle should mirror the SCAB appointment cycle.


Ideas were discussed about how we can improve our visibility and recruitment within the schools to increase student interest in the trip and to find sponsors for the trip.  Several good ideas were suggested (website presence, Facebook presence, school newspaper and more invested teachers).


Hiratsuka budget was discussed due to the shortfall of funds projected from the originally proposed budget.  Budget needs adjustment because only twelve students instead of the proposed twenty students will be traveling to Hiratsuka.  This leads to a shortfall on funds since a portion of the student trip fees is designated to hosting expenses.  Jon Josserand is going to give the group an accounting of funds (prudent balance and reserve) so plans can be made accordingly for the summer hosting of the Hiratsuka students.


Some activity suggestions were made for the Hiratsuka students.  Tour of the new Bowersock Mill, Bonner Spring Marble factory, Toy and Miniature Doll museum in KC, POW WOW at Haskell and a collaborative event with the new library director.


Friends of Eutin – Albrecht

Celebrated Frank Baron's retirement at a magnificent reception at the Max Kade Center on 4-6-13.


Potential donor has made significant offer to Friends of Eutin to support specific art and music exchange projects.


Meeting scheduled on 4-16-13 with Dean Walzel, KU School of Music, to discuss the ongoing program and relationship in place with the Eutiner Festpiele and how to strengthen the partnership in conjunction with the 25th Anniversary celebrations in 2014.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM